Plan to introduce bill to ban helping teens to overcome same-sex attraction

Originally published in ChrstianView Network

A DA MP, shadow minister of health and national spokesperson Siviwe Gwarube plans to introduce a bill to make counselling of teenagers to overcome same-sex attraction a criminal offence.

If this bill became law, then pastors, parents, psychologists, teachers who pray for or counsel such teens under 18 can be criminally prosecuted. And no, don’t think this is far fetched — it has happened overseas — despite the fact that people with same-sex attraction ask for help.

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Gwarube’s motivation reads: “South Africa has, since the dawn of democracy in our country, made huge progress in the legal protection of the LGBTIQ+ community in our country. Unfortunately, conversion therapy, a pseudo-science approach to ‘curing’ children of homosexuality is still rife in South Africa. A wide number of international institutions, health practitioners, activists, and religious leaders have underlined the severe impacts of conversion therapy on children including depression, risks of suicide, loss of self-esteem, and deep trauma.”

Gwarube, on her Twitter profile, describes herself as an “unrepentant feminist”.

In 2020 the DA federal congress passed a motion in favour of such a law. At the same time the WC Education Department is proposing a policy encouraging schools to refer children with gender confusion to LGBT-favouring non-profits and counsellors, without parental consent.

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The effect of the policy plus the bill, if they both come into effect, will be that schools refer kids with gender confusion to those who will affirm their confusion, but parents and churches who try help them will be criminalised.

The bill is one part of a coordinated campaign by the LGBT lobby to gain access to children and stop counter messages getting to children. We need to take a warning from the song just released by the San Francisco Gay Men’s choir We’ll convert your children…we’re coming for your children…

At the same time LGBT groups are campaigning to hold “LGBT pride days” in local schools; pass resolutions affirming LGBT — as they have done already at universities — and for those who post contrary messages on social media to be forced to undertake “sensitivity training” to accept LGBT.

Another part of the campaign is to attack the religious freedom rights of pastors and churches. The DA LGBTI group has disproportionate influence in the party They promise to “find ways to tighten legislative loopholes and change cultures.”

To object to the “The Children’s Amendment Bill, 2021” bill, email by July 30 .Ask Siviwe Gwarube to withdraw the bill at or

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