Pornography leads to sexual assault among young children

Originally published in Charisma News

Pornography and sexual promiscuity are destroying a generation of young people in England according to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) which reports that from 2009 to 2012 more than  5 000 sexual assaults in England involved a child perpetrator raping or sexually assaulting another child. Of the cases reported, 98 percent of the perpetrators were boys, 20 percent of the victims were a family member, and one third of the victims were a family friend.

From the youngest age, children mimic what they see. If they see sex acts, many children naturally practice these life-changing acts on vulnerable infants and children nearby.

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“The offending children are ordinarily not aiming to do harm but rather to act ‘grown up’ as they practice the fascinating, toxic stimuli adult society has coldheartedly loosed into their developmental environment,” said Judith Reisman, visiting professor at Liberty University School of Law.

“We are allowing the cannibalization of our children,” said Reisman. “Thanks to the latest advances in neuroscience, we now know that pornographic visual images imprint and alter the brain, triggering an instant, involuntary, but lasting, biochemical memory trail. And once new neurochemical pathways are established, they are difficult or impossible to delete,” Reisman said.

“Pornographic images also cause secretion of the body’s ‘fight or flight’ sex hormones. This triggers excitatory transmitters and produces non-rational, involuntary reactions. Media erotic fantasies become deeply imbedded, commonly coarsening, confusing, motivating, and addicting many of those exposed.

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“This scientifically documented, neurochemical imprinting affects children and teens especially deeply; their still-developing brains process emotions differently, with significantly less rationality and cognition than the adult brain,” Reisman continued.

“The mainstreaming of pornography since the 1950s directly coincides with the unprecedented explosion in sexual disease and a huge, exponential increase in new types of pornographic copycat sex crimes by and to juveniles and adults. Such facts should inform the legal arguments about free speech versus pornography in public and even private venues,” Reisman concluded.


  1. Christopher Blackwell

    Amazing how we keep trying to prevent judging a person by his, or her actions. Pornography does not cause anyone to do anything. We humans still decide what actions we will take. By the way the biggest single reason a child or teenager sexually abuses is that they were abused often by family members, not pornography. A child abuser will abuse children whether there is any pornography or not, a rapist will rape, whether there is pornography or not. So it has been throughout all of human history. Hundreds of millions of people have used pornography and not abused children and have not raped anyone nor are they likely to. Let us simply deal with the fact that some people are going to be child abusers or rapists and do what we can to prosecute them and put them in prison.

  2. The claims you make Christoper cannot go unchallenged. This article is about a study that was conducted in the UK about a link between pornography and sexual violence. You claim that such a link does not exist and I suppose you have facts to back this. You also claim that hundreds of millions of people have used porn without resorting to abusing children and raping women. Can you also provide proof of this because there are studies that show a link between watching porn and desiring to act out that which you have watched, even on an unwilling partner. As a pastor I know of a woman who suffered abuse at the hands of a husband who wanted her to act out the things he watched in porn films. The man wanted to make a “porn star” out of his wife and it drained emotionally.
    Pornography objectifies women and make exists solely for man’s pleasure. I know that there are also women who watch porn but the majority of its consumers are men. In your argument where do you place the issue of child porn and phedoaphelia (not sure of the spelling here)? To claim that there is no link between what we see and how we act is to claim that there is no benefit in the advertising of goods to potential clients and consumers. As a young man my desires to have illicit sex were heightened by the images and the exposure I had about sex – whether those were real or exagarated. This is the problem about porn – it removes the element of intimacy and commitment and reduces sex to some exagarated no-strings-attached encounter. Sex was not created for this purpose. I was exposed to porn at a young age and also get to witness adult having sex due to the social environment I grew up in. I and many young men in my group had a desire to sleep and even rape a young woman but never got. We were eaither too afraid or the chance never availed itself. The desire, however, was there. Of cause some of us met the Lord and He delivered us from that evil lifestyle. If your exposure to porn has not led to you desiring to act out your fantasies, even violently, then you cannot speak for everyone. You cannot claim that everyone has the same level of restraint.

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