Position yourself for breakthrough and you will see It!

Defending family, faith and freedom

I was reminded of Jehoshaphat’s predicament in 2 Chronicles 20 when the enemies of Judah threatened to overwhelm them. He called out to God and this is what God said to him.

 “You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem! Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.” 2 Chronicles 20:17.

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As God’s people on the earth, you and I positioned ourselves against TopTV as they threatened to flood our nation with pornographic filth via their proposed 24 Hour porn channels.

We received the answer to our prayers when the High Court prevented TopTV from launching the channels on 20 Jan. Now God is using the giant labour federation COSATU to fight this battle.

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The media reports COSATU has instructed its investment company to disinvest its 20 percent shareholding in TopTV should they proceed with the launch of their proposed porn channels.

TopTV now faces the prospect of a nationwide boycott of their channel from Christians and other religious groups as well as the disinvestment of millions of Rand’s from a major shareholder.

You and I can rest in God’s promises, “stand still and witness the salvation of the Lord.” I trust God that ICASA will decline TopTV’s license application for 3 porn channels at the end of January.

Christians who have prayed and actively united against evil have stopped DStv, E-tv and TopTV from broadcasting pornography in SA. However, you and I must not become complacent.

I am writing to the Department of Communications and Home Affairs to once and for all amend legislation to prohibit all forms of pornography on television. The recent public battles with our broadcasters overwhelmingly prove the SA public rejects porn on national TV.

A TopTV spokesman accused Christians of forcing their views on others. However, his allegations were well and truly shot down when COSATU agreed with our views on the harm of porn.

Trust God for BIG things this year! Please pray and push ahead. Your breakthrough is imminent!

The media reports a 16 year old Johannesburg teen was trafficked to Cape Town by a crime syndicate and forced into prostitution. She managed to escape after two months of hell.

This incident again highlights the urgency of the Anti-Trafficking Bill, which I believe is 95 per cent complete. I will closely monitor the progress of this Bill and keep you updated.

Please continue to pray for the finalisation of this Bill and for righteousness to prevail with the Protection of State Information Bill. The latter is in the public participation stage at the NCOP.

I have much to report later. 2012 is shaping up to be a year of significant breakthrough for the family and the Church. We must remain vigilant. Position yourself for breakthrough and you will see it.


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