Powering up Logos Hope to reach millions more

Logos Hope was launched in 2009 and already over four million visitors have come aboard in more than 45 countries. Over 4 million books have been purchased and hundreds of thousands more have been given away. However, new maritime laws combined with the risks associated with running the two older generators on board are forcing the ship to be taken out of service temporarily to conduct a major refit on board. The Power Up Logos Hope project will involve the replacement of two generators, the main electrical switchboard and the installation of a new heat recovery system. The €8.2 million / $10.6 million project is vital to the continued ministry of Logos Hope. The following factors make this project essential to the health and stability of future ministry:
OM Ships is making final preparations for the ‘Power Up Logos Hope’ technical project as the four millionth visitor came aboard in Kaohsiung,Taiwan last week.  Logos Hope was launched in 2009 and already over four million visitors have come aboard in more than 45 countries. Over 4 million books have been purchased and hundreds of thousands more have been given away. The Power Up project to replace old generators and other equipment will equip the vessel to welcome millions of more visitors in the years to come.

Last week the crew and staff of Logos Hope welcomed her four millionth visitor aboard. This significant milestone comes just weeks before the ship will begin a six-month period of upgrades to ensure the 12 519 tonne, ocean-going vessel is ready to welcome millions more in the years to come. 

Emma Lan, age 38, a Kaoshiung resident and local restaurant owner was welcomed on board by Director Lloyd Nicholas, Captain Chris Hughes and crew members in international dress.

“I feel very honored to be the four millionth visitor,” expressed Emma, who visited the ship with her children, mother, father, and her sister after hearing about Logos Hope from an advertisement online. “This ship is very meaningful to me as it brings much hope and resources to people around the world.” Emma was presented with a framed picture of the ship as well as a plaque and a gift voucher to spend in the book fair. 

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Taiwan is the 47th country visited by Logos Hope since her launch into active service for OM Ships five and a half years ago and Kaohsiung is the second of three ports that are on the itinerary for this first-time visit to the island. Kaohsiung is the 78th unique port-of-call for the ship in that time. 

Global ship ministry
Logos Hope Director Lloyd Nicholas expressed the significance of this special event. “We are thrilled to welcome and celebrate the four millionth visitor to Logos Hope,” he said. “That means four million people have experienced a moment of friendship, of happiness and of hope as they have come on board. Each one has walked through the ‘Journey of Life’ display, met a crewmember and encountered God’s grace and love for them. It is a timely reminder of why the ‘Power Up Logos Hope’ project is so important. New generators and other equipment will help sustain the ship ministry. We look forward to welcoming many more millions in the years to come… and introducing each person to that moment of hope that can change their life.” 

When the visit to Kaohsiung is completed on September 25, the ship will then welcome visitors in Anping, Taiwan for four days before she sails to Singapore to commence the technical installation phase of the ‘Power Up Logos Hope’ project that is scheduled to be completed by the end of March 2015. 

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This significant work will see the replacement of two old, unreliable generators and the main electrical switchboard to match the increased electrical capacity. At the same time a heat recovery system will be installed to make use of previously wasted energy to provide domestic hot water and to preheat fuel oil. All combined, these upgrades will not only reduce maintenance, but also the amount of fuel required, bringing significant savings in ongoing operational costs. At the same time, work will be done to upgrade the bow thruster and engine-room cooling systems as well as replacing the galley flooring. The required 2015 dry dock will also take place while the ship is out of service. 

A small team of around 25 technical staff will remain in Singapore during this time to oversee the works being done by Keppel Shipyard. The project also provides a unique opportunity to extend Logos Hope’s ministry around the world. Over 250 of the crew and staff will be sent out in about 70 different teams to work alongside other OM ministries and partner organisations all over the globe, continuing to transform lives by bringing knowledge, help and hope. 

The ‘Power Up Logos Hope’ project is a significant investment in the vessel’s systems and machinery, made possible by the generosity of partners and supporters around the world, with over 7 million Euros (R100 million) already given, or promised. Further funding is needed to cover the costs for the additional work, the Singapore-based team, and the international ministry teams. Donations can be made through local OM offices or online at www.omships.org/donate

This significant time in the history of Logos Hope will be foundational in preparing the vessel for many more years of service and the opportunity to welcome many more people on board in the years to come. Having already sailed the equivalent of almost three times around the world since her purchase, Logos Hope has so far visited ports in northern Europe, the Caribbean, West and North Africa, the Near East, the Arabian Peninsula, South Asia and the Far East. After completing the ‘Power Up Logos Hope’ project, the tentative schedule has ‘Logos Hope’ in South East Asia for some months before making her way over to Africa. 

More details about the ‘Power Up Logos Hope’ project are available on the OM Ships website at www.omships.org/powerup

One Comment

  1. Wonderful that the Logos ship ministry goes on unobtrusively yet steadily. I have been greatly enriched by the ministry of the Logos ships and as a pastor have had the pleasure over the years of seeing some of my congregants join the ship.

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