Prayer gathering to align Eastern Cape with its prophetic destiny

PHOTO: SA Gateway.

Intercessors will gather in Bhisho on the Day of Reconciliation on Monday December 16 to pray for the full reconciliation of the Eastern Cape with its prophetic destiny.

In an email inviting Eastern Cape Christians to join the gathering, billed “God’s Appointed Time for the Eastern Cape”, Laurette Mkati of the SA Prayer Movement for Change, says she believes the last weeks of 2019 “are critical to align our city, province and nation with its destiny and so release Africa as a continent into the prophetic purposes of God in these end times”.

Explaining the background to the prayer event she writes: “In 2004 the Lord gave a word that He was displeased with the Xhosa nation because under their leadership the nation had been turned away from God and led back into idolatry, specifically ancestral worship and witchcraft. This began in 1994 under the leadership of Nelson Mandela and picked up speed under Thabo Mbeki who introduced the African Renaissance and led a national programme to raise altars in every province giving thanks to the ancestors for the victory over apartheid and erecting a national altar to the dead at Freedom Park. Church leaders joined with sangomas in this programme and displeased God further. Despite this God’s call upon this nation did not end and in 2008 He gave a word to a team going around the nation to “untie the feet of Africa (SA)” which was hindering Africa moving into God’s end time purposes. The word is as follows:

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“Prophetic Word

“On 21st November 2008 at 9.50 p.m. while on our way to Mthatha from Durban as we crossed the border of the Eastern Cape, the spirit of intercession and warfare came upon us. We started travailing, groaning and doing all manner of prayer. God gave me a vision. I saw a woman with a pot with three stones, cooking a hot meal under a hut. I received that the Eastern Cape is strategic and important in God’s purposes for South Africa. I saw that there has been some wretchedness, wickedness and serious witchcraft which have been happening in the Eastern Cape. I heard the Spirit say, this will be a place of double grace, like the time of Zechariah 4:1-12. Where evil abounds so shall My grace abound even more. The great mountain shall be levelled. The stones shall no longer ‘cook’ evil. God will raise stones and pots to ‘cook’ the will and purposes of God. God will raise people who will display the grace of the Lord.

“Eastern Cape will produce many elders
“Eastern Cape will be a place of great leadership
“Eastern Cape will raise pillars
“Key strategists for the nation will emerge from Eastern Cape

“God will raise apostolic stones in the Eastern Cape. The stones shall burn the fire and the will of God for this place. Eastern Cape will be a place of new beginnings, a place of strategy from heaven. Men and women of strategy shall arise from Eastern Cape to provide strategy for war, governance and leadership. Just like Joshua and Caleb came forth with boldness and strategy. Evil shall not prevail. The volcanic fire of God shall burn. The Eastern Cape will CHANGE from darkness into His marvellous light. The glory will come through the East (Ezekiel 43:1-6). Kanap Ministries”

Mkati says in her letter that God has already begun to showcase the Eastern Cape through people from the province being in the national limelight, such as the captain, coach and several key players from SA’s victorious Rugby World Cup side.

She says despite SA’s entrenchment of wickedness in its laws, violence against women and rollout of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in schools, God has shown mercy and is “giving us another opportunity to respond in genuine repentance to the sins we confess so often”.

She writes: “When the nation took three days of National Prayer and Fasting over the GBV issue, out of the Eastern Cape came a call to extend it to 40 days which many did. This ended on 31st October with the first Word Watch proclaiming the complete New Testament over 24 hours. This was a national call but in East London and the Eastern Cape we pushed for as many watches as possible to do this. The success was seen on 2nd November when South Africa, with its strong contingency from the Eastern Cape, won the Rugby World Cup, and the word of the Lord came “Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that this kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?” NLT, “lead you to repentance” NIV.

“In order to respond to God’s kindness, we then set up another Word Watch on 30th November, this time proclaiming the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation, in English, Xhosa and Afrikaans throughout the Eastern Cape. This was intended to continue to sweep away the refuge of lies and remove the cast and covering of darkness that covers our province, and the nation, through covenants made with death and the grave Isaiah 28:16-18, 25:7 and to plant the heavens and lay a new foundation with the truth of God’s Word Isaiah 51:16, John 17:17.

“On 16th December, 2005 we first dedicated the Eastern Cape to the Lord with then Premier Nosimo Balindlela and other MECs present when she handed the province over to the Lord Jesus. In 2012 we again brought the province to the Lord as part of the Dedication of South Africa as a nation, gathering in Bhisho Stadium. Our next response is to gather as a province before the Lord on Monday 16th December, 2019, the Day of Reconciliation, at the end of another seven year cycle, and seek to reconcile our province fully with God’s will and destiny and break the strongholds that have withheld this. IT IS GOD’S APPOINTED TIME! God is looking to raise up a Gideon’s army that will break this oppression of idolatry and witchcraft once and for all, and release the spirit of revival to sweep through our province and nation.

“We therefore urge you to join us as we gather before the Lord on 16th December from 10:00 at Roja Skenjana Hall in Bhisho, the governmental capital of the Eastern Cape. We also invite you to join us in fasting up to this day as the Spirit of the Lord burdens and enables you and call as many of the indigenes of this province as are able to join with us.”


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