“Prayer mushrooms” springing up all over SA

[notice]In this guest writer feature, Helen Phillips, Cape Town author of “Fly With Me” — an account of her healing from multiple sclerosis — and part-time Christian radio presenter, shares a testimony of how God gave her a vision of mushrooms that is finding fulfilment in strategic prayer groups that are springing up all over the country.[/notice]


Helen Phillips

Who would ever have thought God would choose the humble mushroom as a symbol of His prayer groups? God gave me a vision of His purpose. It all started with God healing me  from an incurable disease.

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“When I first brought out my book ‘Fly With Me’ God showed me that I should go to prayer groups in the business-place to give my testimony and market the book.

“After going to the first group, as I was driving back, God gave me this vision. I knew it was from Him as His presence was so strong.

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“All of a sudden in my mind’s eye I had an aerial view of Cape Town. I do not know if it was from Table Mountain or if I was just floating in the air but I saw everything so clearly, the buildings, streets, parking spaces and parks.  Then I saw little mushrooms coming up in the streets and on the buildings, little mushrooms coming up everywhere. I was puzzled as mushrooms do not grow in tarmac or concrete and I asked God what this was.

“He said clearly in my heart that these were the prayer groups in business and they were the true body of Christ as they were prepared to unite over denominational barriers and witness, worship and pray in the world’s system. He said I must find them, encourage and grow them and start more as they needed support and motivation.

I said eagerly, that of course I would do it. ‘Yes Lord’

“Then the vision changed and I saw a huge mushroom cloud over the city, growing and growing like an atomic cloud enormous and vibrating with light and sunset colours. I was filled with awe as I could feel the energy and power from this explosion but it was so beautiful.

“I asked God what this meant and He said this was the power that would come out of the prayer groups, saving our communities, cities and country.”

This was the start of the Prayer Mushroom Ministry.

Analysing mushrooms; they only come up in the fields and gardens after rain. The rain of God’s Holy Spirit has showered upon us and there are mushrooms coming up everywhere.

There are now more than 60 prayer groups in businesses in Cape Town where the vision started and mushrooms are coming up all over the country, in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Western Transvaal, Graaff-Reinet, Limpopo and in the country dorps; in schools, hospitals, and homes as well as churches. God is calling us to pray together in unity and the Spirit is causing us to respond and answer His call.

Praise His name. When we are obedient and pray in unity according to His will, in the name of Jesus He answers our prayers.

People in various parts of the country have shared independent testimonies that confirm this call and vision. For instance, Soekie Krog from Pretoria writes:  “I am telling your story of the prayer mushrooms all over the country. God gave me a message concerning a key and a combination key that I would find on the Fire Trails tour.

“When we arrived at Knysna, we visited the city council building. God showed our team leaders that this is a key city. We presented to them a plaque with the confirmation that they are a key in the Cape.

When we left and walked to our car, we noticed a tree with a mushroom growing out of it. In the mushroom was a key. My friend and I said simultaneously: the key is in the mushroom!

How awesome is God!  This is God saying, “The key for the salvation of your country is in the mushroom prayer groups. Pray and I will bring revival and save your land”

We can all encourage each other as there is a database of inter-connected prayer groups. If you would like to start a prayer group in business or at home, contact Helen Phillips of Prayer Mushroom Ministry at 021 7889554 or 0742891170 or e mail info@flywithme or link up on facebook . God is calling us to pray for our communities, our towns and cities, our country and our government. Let us be obedient and answer His call.


One Comment

  1. What an intriguing and powerful story. Praise the Lord for all that has ensued since Helen’s obedience.

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