Prayer networks uniting for World Day of Prayer on May 1

The various prayer networks represented by Intercessors for South Africa (IFSA), as well as many other Christian groups in SA are participating in a Global Day of Prayer that has been called for on May 1, says IFSA in a media release.

Prayers will cover Covid-19, the evangelism of the unsaved, the reaching of the unreached people groups, discipleship, spiritual revival in the church, repentance about the Church neglecting the Great Commandment and tolerating sin, the poor and needy in the world, as well as other concerning challenges globally.

The format will be a 3-hour live broadcast in 26 languages, on YouTube and Facebook @ 5am Pacific Time (2pm to 5pm in SA). For more detail visit

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Christians will gather to pray for South Africa from 7pm to 9pm after the World Day of Prayer broadcast has ended. Meet virtually in smaller groups to pray (e.g. Zoom calls, Skype, WhatsApp chat groups, personal calls, families in their homes, etc.) Include children in all these prayer activities.

The prayer focus for South Africa is:
Revival: A fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the church. (Acts 4:23-31)
Evangelism: Pray for five unsaved people until May 31st.
Charity: To do outreach, bring hope and take care of people’s basic needs.
Covid-19: For God’s divine intervention and breakthrough.
The Poor: For the poor and needy, unemployment and the economy.
Peace: Pray for political stability, economic recovery and no civil unrest.

One Comment

  1. Thanks for this link!

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