President Zuma and South Africa through God’s eyes

Christian Businessmen’s Connection members join ACDP MP Steve Swart in a prayer mission in Parliament on November 20, 2015.

President Jacob Zuma’s recent controversial reshuffling of Finance Ministers caused the rand to fall to record lows against major world currencies overnight — and caused many South Africans’ hopes for our nation to plummet to new depths.

But how does God look at South Africa? What is His heart for President Zuma? What if instead of doom and gloom He sees a nation that is destined to awe the world by showing what life looks like in a land under the manifest Kingship of Jesus — displaying extraordinary knowledge, wisdom and spiritual and material blessing?

Dr Christo Nel, a former Dutch Reformed Church pastor and theologian, and founder of a non-denominational equipping and refreshing ministry called Nuwe Wyn (New Wine), believes that on Friday, November 18, 2015, during his quiet time, God gave him a hopeful prophetic word to be given personally to Zuma and Members of Parliament, at Parliament in Cape Town, which he was due to visit on Friday, November 20, with a group of 14 men from the Christian Businessmen’s Connection (CBMC). The men had been invited to Parliament by African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) MP, Steve Swart, to join him in praying and interceding for the nation at Parliament at a time when students were protesting all over SA and a group of student protesters had broken down the gates to the grounds of Parliament itself.

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Low emotional state
In an email alerting Gateway News to his prophetic word ( which can be downloaded at ), Nel laments the low emotional state of South Africans regarding current events in the nation. He says according to an international poll our citizens are second only to the inhabitants of one other country when it comes to being negative about local affairs. 

“Wow! How is that for a pretty picture of a country boasting of being 79% of Christian belief! When will we ever start believing that our God is totally in control and fulfilling what He promised through his Spirit in Rom. 8:28: ‘And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose,’ ” he says.

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Unfazed by #ZumaMustFall marches that were taking place around SA yesterday (December 16, 2015), President Jacob Zuma and Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa enjoy the music at the Reconciliation Day celebrations at the NMMU Missionvale Campus in Port Elizabeth. (PHOTO: Mike Holmes, Herald Live).

Nel says he thus felt privileged to receive the word from God in which He speaks of his love for ANC leaders and acknowledges the Christian roots of the ANC, hears the prayer cry in our national anthem and the pleas of many intercessors over the years. The word also includes the following: God says He has chosen to reveal Kingdom treasures of wisdom and knowledge to SA first because of faithful preaching of His Word in the nation over much time. He gives leaders an opportunity to choose ‘life’ or ‘death’ and invites them to participate in His plan to establish His Kingdom rule as a reality in SA now as it already is a reality in Heaven. Referring to 2 Chronicles 7:14 He promises restoration for humbly and prayerfully turning to Him and away from wickedness. He speaks of solutions and inventions that will meet the needs of SA and bless the world and of people coming from other nations and encountering Jesus in SA. There will be abundant mineral and energy wealth and the rand will be one of the strongest currencies in the world. His plan is for Government leaders to call on the ‘true Church of Christ’ to help them govern as He intended. The greater the obedience of leaders in all areas the greater the blessing to the nation. Leaders who do not bow before Him will become like Nebuchadnezzar, eating grass like animals.

Nel said when God told him to give the word to Zuma he didn’t say how this would happen. ” I just felt I needed to be prepared to give the word when and where God would indicate. So, I recorded what God wanted me to say and printed a copy out which I put into a very nice plastic folder and took it all with me. I also felt to send the specific word to my iPad and to take that with me for our visit to Parliament.

Visit to Parliament
“That Friday morning at 09h00 when we arrived at Parliament and met Steve Swart, he told us that the sitting of Parliament for that day was cancelled which gave us total freedom to go to places in Parliament with ease which would not have been possible if Parliament was in session.

“First he wanted us to go and stand on the square in the centre of the Parliament’s grounds, called the ‘Stal Plein’, and there he felt we needed to spend time and intercede.

“I told him what God had told me to do and he said that he and I would afterwards go to Tuynhuys, the house and office of the President, to give him the prophetic word. I was totally at ease with this, because I just felt God saying that He was totally in charge and I need to go with the flow.

“While praying on ‘Stal Plein’, I just felt God telling me to prophecy and declare the prophetic word He gave me. Which I did.

“Everybody was so touched by the word and everyone was so aware that the Living God was there and that this was His Word for now for Parliament and for President Zuma.

“I also felt that as in Ezekiel 37, the moment when the prophet proclaims and speaks the prophetic word God gave him, that prophetic word and its content has already manifested in the supernatural. So, I felt God spoke to President Zuma personally on that day there on that ‘Stal Plein’ even if he wasn’t present there himself.

“After our visit to all the places Steve felt we needed to go to intercede, he and I went to Tuynhuys to discover that President Zuma wasn’t there but at an important meeting in Pretoria that day. Steve felt the need to take the folder with the prophetic word and deliver the word himself to the President. And I felt totally at peace with that. In my mind I felt I did what I was told to do by God and prophecied what He told me to at Parliament.”

Nel says the word has also been sent to leaders of various political parties. He says Zuma’s recent “illogical” reshuffling actions which provoked a national uproar and calls for him to resign suggest that he has chosen not to obey God and that his time as president is nearing an end. But more importantly the experience of receiving and sharing the word from God has encouraged him with a fresh vision of a God who is fully in control, loves South Africa and invites its leaders and citizens to partner with him in his great plan to establish his Kingdom rule in the nation.


  1. A Dispensational Transition with Dramatic Consequences –

  2. Thank you to all who have not just sat back and criticized, but have taken stewardship of your hearts seriously and stood firmly for what the Most High God has on His heart for our nation. Mostly – thank you for a huge ‘injection’ of hope as we are called to focus on the only True God with a real solution for our nation. May you all be richly blessed at this time


  4. I believe 100% in what God has in store for South Africa! God is allmighty!

  5. The time has come, The time is NOW… #South Africa must return to God!

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