Pro-life and family conference in Cape Town

hliHuman Life International is hosting the “Protect our Families in South Africa Pro-life and Family Conference” at St John’s Church, Maitland, Cape Town from Thursday, May 28 to Tuesday, June 2, 2015.

Topics that will be addressed include crisis pregnancy and abortion, birth control, African pro-life policy, euthanasia, human trafficking, speaking truth through media, pornography, and counter-acting immoral sex education at schools. The conference is free and children are welcome.

International speakers from Human Life International include Father Shenan J Boquet, an expert on the Catholic Church’s teachings on life and family; Dr Brian Clowes, director of education and research at Human Life International and pro-life author; and Emil Hagamu from Tanzania. Taryn Hodgson, the Cape Town-based International Co-ordinator of Africa Christian Action will be speaking on how to defend your family against pornography (12 noon on May, 28) and traffick proof (10am on June 1).

The full programme is:

Thu 28 May 10h00: The Family under Siege
11h00: Crisis Pregnancy
12h00: Protect your Family from Pornography
14h00: The Demographic Impacts of Abortion     
15h00: The International Abortion Situation
19h00: Euthanasia

Fri 29 May    
10h00: Marriage – 14h00: Natural Family Planning
16h00: The Condom Conundrum & Population Control Agenda
19h00: Euthanasia

Sat 30 May   
13h30: South Africans rights, public demonstration
14h00: Speaking Truth through Media
15h30: 40 Days for Life – Abortion Centres, the modern day Golgotha

Sun 31 May
14h00: Presentation by HLI Anglophone Regional Co-ordinator, focusing on issues affecting Africa and the way forward
15h00: Viewing of African Prolife documentary

Mon 01 Jun 10h00: Human Trafficking in Africa
11h00: Training: Pro-life Answers to Pro-Choice Questions on Euthanasia (asking the right questions and how to answer)

Tue 02 Jun
10h00 – 12h00: Group discussions and presentations – the way forward for SA.

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For more information, or to register, contact Collette Thomas, Human Life International at, 083 412 4936.

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