Pro-life ministries joining forces in walk across W Cape in early 2016

The Value Life ‘Abortion is Evil’ trailer will follow the walkers in the Western Cape Walk for Life for the pre-born from January 20 to February 1, 2016.

Several pro-life ministries will be joining forces in January to walk across the Western Cape teaching on the Sanctity of life and what we can do save lives and stop abortions, reports Africa Christian Action (ACA).

This Walk for Life will also include preaching the Life-Giving message of the Gospel, teaching on abstinence and sexual purity, and compassion for those facing crisis pregnancies.  

Relay teams will walk from Beaufort West to Cape Town from January 20 to February 1 via the R62 and N1 to Paarl, and then via Malmesbury and Table View (approximately 500 km at 50 km per day). The Value Life – Abortion is Evil trailer will follow the walkers. The walk will coincide with Sanctity Life Sunday (January 31), a Sunday when all pastors are encouraged to preach on the Sanctity of Life and to mobilise their members in the Fight for Life. The walk will culminate with and join the National Day of Repentance March for Life to Parliament on Monday, 1 February – the 19th anniversary of the legalisation of abortion in South Africa.

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Petition for the pre-born
The walkers will carry a petition requesting that the South African government amends the Abortion Act (which has resulted in the killing of 1.3 million South Africans since 1997) to reflect the Right to Life of all persons (including the pre-born).

ACA urges Christians to pray for the WC Walk for Life and has prepared the following prayer guidelines:

  • Pray that God is glorified through the witness and prayers of the walkers. Pray that motorists and pedestrians who witness the Walk for Life will have receptive hearts and minds.
  • Pray for God’s grace and healing on mothers who have had abortions. Pray that they would turn to Him in repentance and Faith.
  • Pray for crisis pregnancy centres, homes for abandoned babies and unwed mothers’ homes.
  • That many people would come to understand when life begins and that abortion grieves and angers our Creator God.
  • That medical personnel would be encouraged to refuse to have any part in the killing.
  • That voters would not support candidates and parties that are pro-abortion.
  • For mothers in crisis pregnancy situations, that they would find help and choose loving options such as adoption.
  • That lives would be saved.
  • That journalists would publish the truth about abortion.
  • That many more pastors and churches would be encouraged to speak up for the right to life of pre-born babies.
  • That the Lord will bring conviction of sin to those who have worked to legalise this slaughter of the innocent.
  • That the Lord would convict abortionists of the sin of murder and that they would turn to Him in repentance and Faith.

Ministry opportunities
The team has ministry opportunities booked at Beaufort West and Mamre at present and is looking for more opportunities to speak on the Sanctity of Life and the Truth About Abortion at churches, home groups and community groups in the towns en route. Please contact Dalene Labrum (079 566 4595 or ) should you be interested in the team visiting your group.

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The team currently consists of eight enthusiastic pro-life Christians (from the pro-life ministries: Value Life, Pro-Life and Abundant Life) and 4 vehicles, loaded with tracts and tents, etc. Please contact Dalene if you are interested in walking – even if you can only join for a day or a few hours at a time in any of the areas, or just outside any of the towns.

Join the Sanctity Life Sunday and also the National Day of Repentance Events on Facebook.

One Comment

  1. Thank you Gateway News for doing this article regarding the Pro-life Trek in January. Value Life is blessed to be included in this and look forward to the event. Dalene Labrum is in fact the main organiser, as the Lord laid this on her heart, and we support her fully. She is however desperately in need of sponsors as the walk will cost in the region of R40,000. If there is anyone who would like to support the ‘Walk’, please contact Dalene.

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