Pro-life roundup from National Alliance for Life conference

A life chain protest in Cape Town. Worldwide up to 1 million pro-lifers took part in life chains in the first weekend of October. A total of about 1 800 life chains were held globally, calling for the protection of the unborn child until birth.

By National Alliance for Life

A range of pro-life topics were highlighted on October 2 at the National Alliance for Life (NAL) Pro-Life Conference which included attendees at a live event at Gateway Church, Umhlanga on October 2 and others who attended via Zoom.

The main speaker was Dr John Gordon from the USA who spoke on the adoption of human embryos. The embryos are classified as human beings as fertilisation has occurred. Instead of destroying the embryos that are not used they have been kept — some for more than 25 years already.These embryos are available to any family who for some reason cannot have a child of their own.

Also on the programme was Dr Peter Hammond from Frontline Fellowship in Cape Town who have organised life chain protests since 1992 — five years before abortion was legalised by government. 

“We deal with leaders that know that life begins at fertilisation because life chains have been held close to Parliament.  Ephesians 5:11 says: “Have no fellowship with the unfaithful works of darkness but rather expose them.” That is why we should stand or march with placards and expose evil wherever and whenever we can,” said Hammond.

The following is an obituary that Frontline Fellowship put in the newspapers that allow it: “We mourn the 1 800 000 babies killed by abortion since 1 February 1997. Their lives have been tragically cut short since the legislation of abortion on demand.  May God have mercy on South Africa.  We ‘speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” — Proverbs 31:8

“God wants us to also participate outside the four walls of the church.  Jesus overturned the tables of corruption in the temple chasing the money changers out. It is for the love of our unborn neighbour that we go outside and stand against abortion. Abortion is none other than ultimate child abuse,” said Hammond.

Miriam Jaeger from Australia shared a testimony of experiences during her third pregnancy. During the routine 16-week ultrasound some abnormalities in the child’s growth and bowels were detected. This led to further appointments, examinations, and blood tests. These examinations raised concerns about the possibility of the child having Cystic Fibrosis. 

At 24 weeks, Miriam and her husband were given a consultation with the head gynaecologist. During the consultation Miriam and Martin were asked whether they would like to consider an abortion, as the baby’s health was ambiguous. Appalled at the suggestion the couple clearly stated that abortion was not a consideration.  Although the remainder of the pregnancy had its challenges, many prayers were offered for the health of the child.  Induced at 38 weeks, Miriam gave birth to a healthy girl. Her conference presentation was followed by a song of thankfulness and praise sung by Miriam’s 13-year-old daughter, Annelle.

Advocate Keith Matthee spoke about the legal procedures that a doctor needs to follow when a pregnant woman seeks an abortion. The women are literally referred to a clinic sister for thorough counselling but the correct procedures are not being applied, he said. Abortions were therefore performed which could have been prevented. He reported that a staggering  280 000 abortions have been performed since lockdown began on March 26, 2020.

The 11th hour counsellors who assist pregnant women telephonically, presented an excellent report. They receive as many as 20 calls per day from many different countries in the world. The conversations that follow are important as the callers are told that each unborn child is created by God and that abortion has many physical and spiritual consequences. Many children’s lives have been saved through these discussions.

The conference heard that Illegal abortionists operate with impunity in every city and town of South Africa. In Pietermaritzburg is was estimated that 20 illegal abortionists sell pills for “safe abortions”. In a certain town north of Durban, the mayor was confronted about an advertisement for illegal abortion pills. He did not know what abortion was. On the internet every town in KwaZulu-Natal advertises “safe abortion” pills. In 18 of the main towns a total of 200 “safe abortion” advertisements are found.

It is estimated that there are 6 to 9 times more illegal abortions than legal abortions. If these are added to the 105 000 legal abortions of 2019 it means that South African women are aborting approximately 2200 children every day of the year.

The number of children born in KZN annually have gradually declined from a high of 236 000 to the present figure of 184 000 (28 %).  Women choose the chemical path because it is convenient and can be kept a secret before fellow humans. It cannot be hidden from God.

NAL’s view is that the abortion industry is a money-making racket that is built on lies and deception. God emphatically tells us to choose life because murderers cannot inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Choosing life is much more important than shouting out “It’s my body, my choice.”

Abortion is worse than a terrorist attack because it strikes at the very core of our society – the family. By destroying the most basic bond of all that commences at fertilisation – that between mother and child – abortion destroys the precious glue that binds people together.

Let’s allow the unborn child to live and let them enjoy the task God has set aside for them.  They are precious fellow human beings made in the image of God. 

NAL and all pro-life groups uphold the sanctity of life that every life is valuable to God. Stop killing the unborn child.  There are many pregnancy centres, mother and baby homes that offer much better alternatives, says NAL.

“Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them” Eph 5:11

The NAL is an affiliation of pro-life congregations and or organisations formed in 1995 under the umbrella of Doctors for Life International. The NAL held a National Stand for Life (life chain) at Hillcrest, North of Durban on October 3, with 530 pro-lifers from KwaZulu-Natal, the Eastern Cape, other provinces, Australia and Germany.

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