Pro-lifers invited to attend NAL conference in Pretoria in May

The National Alliance for Life (NAL) Gauteng invites all interested persons and organisations to attend a pro-life conference in Pretoria on the morning of Saturday May 4.

Dr Albu van Eeden, President of NAL and Doctors for Life is the main speaker at the conference from 8.30am to 11.30am at the Petra Full Gospel Church of God on the corner of Francis Baard Street and Wessels Street, opposite the Pretoria Art Museum.

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Pro-life organisations are invited to present their activities by participating in the planned exhibition. There will also be an opportunity for some of them to give a short report of their experiences of their endeavour to promote life from conception until natural death.

Life chain
A pro-life placard demonstration (a life chain) under the auspices of NAL will follow after the conference from 12pm to 2pm at a venue to be confirmed later. Organisers of the life chain say participants should bring sunscreen, hats and drinking water.

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Participants in the life chain are welcome to display the identity and placards of their organisations if the wish. The NAL is a platform for pro-life organisations, churches and individuals. Its aim is to let the voice of all pro-lifers in South Africa be heard.

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For more information contact Gregory Pereira 083 798 7360 / or Harald Thiede 084 324 1720 /


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