Prophetic scroll to be released from Table Mountain on Sunday

A prophetic revival scroll will be released in Cape Town on Pentecost Sunday — May 23 — in a coordinated event that will include teams on both the top and a lower level of Table Mountain, as well as ministry partners around the world.

The scroll, which was brought to the Cape from Bloemfontein a fortnight ago by walker for Jesus Edward Pozyn and backup driver and mission partner Anthony Fish carries a message about revival and the return of Jesus linked to Malachi 4:5,6.

On top of the mountain apostolic, prophetic and governmental leaders and Revival Fire planning team members will unite in personal, corporate and national prayers of repentance on behalf of the nation before introducing Andre Venter of the House of Bread in Bloemfontein, who received the prophetic word conveyed on the scroll and the men who carried it to the Cape.

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Lower on the mountain, at the level of the cable station road, dancers, worshipers and shofar blowers will also participate in repentance prayers followed by a time of worship and dancing while Apostles Arthur and Michelle Coetzee release the scroll on top of the mountain — and it is received digitally by partners in Ghana, Kenya, Egypt, Israel, Europe, America, Asia, Australia and the Fiji Islands.

Both groups will then take communion before participating in shofar declarations followed by blowing the shofar at 4pm to release a “sound of from Cape to Cairo to Israel and the nations”.

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The day will end with both groups praying together at the lower level of the mountain. Anybody interested in participating on the mountain can contact Michelle at 072 582 2050 or Dr Des at 072 013 2420. You can also participate via Zoom (Meeting ID: 857 4015 7955 Passcode: 549940 ).


  1. Anneli Collyer

    This is such great news!

  2. Prophet Clive Maharaj

    This is so Prophetic, our senior Pastor Anil Manilall (CHRIST KINGDOM MINISTRIES DURBAN SA) released this WORD and had a meeting Uniting the churches in CAPE TOWN for the Fire that’s coming from CAPE TO CAIRO. Yahweh is doing something Supernatural.

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