Prophetic worship album inspired by mother’s miracle recovery after coma

Singer and composer Mariette Davina, right, with her mother, Lindsay Moseley, whose miraculous healing after a coma, inspired her latest album which was released earlier this month. Mariette grew up and began her music career in SA. She and her mother currently live in the United Kingdom where Mariette was born.

Mariette Davina, a prophetic worship singer and composer who began her music career in South Africa, has released a new album this month that was birthed in her heart after her mother experienced a miraculous healing after she collapsed on November 20 last year and was in a coma for nine days, unable to breathe without the help of a ventilator.

“I wrote numerous songs after the miracle and recorded my next album, simply entitled VOLUME 2. It’s available on my website One of the title tracks, My Rescuer [Listen to the song below], is about how God rescued my mum and me from such a devastating situation,” she said.

Now resident in the UK, where she was born, Mariette has an honours degree in Music from the University of South Africa. After landing a record deal with Gallo Music in SA her debut album was nominated for Best Classical Album. She later moved to the UK to pursue her career in Europe. Her music has been played on BBC Radio 2 UK, TBN UK and GOD TV, and she has led worship in the UK Parliament.

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Mariette spent three years in Bible school, and says that spending a lot of time during her childhood at meetings of Prophet Kim Clement in Durban, sowed the seeds for her own prophetic and soaking worship ministry.

Listen to ‘Jesus Is’, another track on the new album:

Sharing her mother’s healing testimony, she said: “She had been on long-term pain medication for many years after an operation went horribly wrong in South Africa. One morning, I found her collapsed on the floor — she had lost consciousness.

“I called the medics and they arrived just in time before she stopped breathing and died at the scene. They managed to intubate her and she was airlifted to ICU. At this point she had already slipped into a coma with zero sign of life and only a machine breathing for her. She looked like a corpse in ICU with no natural hope of survival.

“The coma went on for nine days with people praying 24/7 for her. It was a very dark period of my life but God gave me Psalm 118:17 — that she would live and not die. I clung on to that promise despite the numerous challenges ahead.

“On both occasions that the consultants tried to extubate her, she nearly died because her throat was so swollen and no air could get through. While this was all going on and my mum was still under, she met with angels on several occasions who ministered to her and comforted her. Fast forward 3 weeks — my mum came out of the coma and was discharged. She has definitely been given a second chance in life and prayer works!”

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