Prostitution promotes trafficking!

Defending family, faith and freedom

Media reports exposing the growing menace of human trafficking – mainly for prostitution – are emerging across the country. The warnings are clear – sex trafficking is a major threat in SA.

On 17 Feb, KZN police busted a child-sex human trafficking ring in Point Road Durban rescuing 16 teenage girls, some as young as 12. Traffickers appear to be targeting younger victims.

The illegal (and legal) sex industry is where crime syndicates and human traffickers freely operate. Most illegal brothels in the country operate with impunity. Anti-family groups like SWEAT have successfully frightened off police from monitoring and investigating the sex industry.

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The City of Cape Town’s Vice Squad – the only such unit in the country – has raided numerous brothels operating illegally across the city – exposing widespread sex trafficking.

A Chinese woman who ran three brothels in Goodwood, Cape Town was arrested by the Vice Squad for luring teens from China and forcing them into prostitution. Many other human trafficking cases have been exposed by the Vice Squad and the Hawks.

A 2010 Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) study reveals that human trafficking is a serious problem in SA. Apparently, the only people not convinced are the lawmakers in Parliament.

Legal establishments like strip clubs, escort agencies and massage parlours are also hotbeds of sex trafficking. During the World Cup in 2010, 35 Eastern European “exotic dancers” were arrested at a Cape Town strip club for not having the proper immigration documents.

The W/Cape High Court recently ordered the Human Rights Commission to probe Mavericks strip club’s inhumane employment conditions. Judge Desai said “there was some concern about the living conditions of these so-called “exotic dancers”, which could constitute human trafficking.”

However, strip clubs like Mavericks spend fortunes advertising in the mainstream media.

Their ad-spend appears to have bought them positive coverage in the media. The Cape Times published a highly deceptive PR article of Mavericks “dancers” presumably to improve their image.

Mavericks strip club lost their appeal in the W/Cape High Court for abusing their corporate permits including using false permits to traffick Eastern European women into the country.

The rapid growth of human trafficking in South Africa must be of great concern to every Christian citizen. Many innocent girls, some as young as 12 are trapped in a life of sexual slavery.

The only legislation comprehensive enough to effectively combat human trafficking in SA, is the “Prevention & Combating of Trafficking in Persons” Bill. However, this Bill is still stuck in Parliament with no word from the Justice Portfolio Committee of its progress or finalisation.

I need your help. Every citizen has the constitutional right to demand action from their elected representatives in Parliament. The human trafficking threat demands your urgent response.

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If you have not done so already, please write to Justice Portfolio Committee Chairperson, Luwellyn Landers at and copy in secretary

Please respectfully ask him to urgently prioritise and finalise the TIP Bill. In the light of increasing reports of human trafficking, the TIP Bill becomes a national priority to combat this heinous crime.


  1. So I emailed Messrs Landers and Ramaano, and within 10 minutes Mr Ramaano phoned me to update me on the progress of the bill! Apparently they are finalising details in the bill with the Dept of Home Affairs re deportation of people who were trafficked into the country, and what to do with people who want to stay. He says it will be finalised by May, then signed into Law by the President by August. He says he has received numerous emails regarding this, so well done to everyone who did email him! Let’s all continue, though, to send more emails until this process is completed. Let’s not give up the fight for righteousness, justice and peace.

  2. i was employed by Mavericks and would like to comment saying all the ladies in Mavericks are there by choice and we are not prostituting,we are proffessionally trained dancers only.