Fearless Messianic Jewish evangelist dies in Northern Iraq — A tribute

Antony Simon in the Negev Desert after an outreach with Libby Norton and Amanda Hattingh of David and Jonathan Foundation, South Africa.

The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.

The Kingdom lost one of its most fearless labourers in the Middle East last week, Antony Simon.

Many South Africans who have visited Israel may have had a bible handed to them by the evangelist or even served on his team.

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Antony Simon, a Messianic Jewish believer, after years of dodging bullets on outreach, was run over by a car in a busy street in Erbil in Northern Iraq.

Together with a member of his team, he had just finished preaching the word of God at an evening church service nearby and had been aiding refugees. He travelled to Iraq the Sunday previous to hand out hundreds of audio and printed bibles, to preach to the lost and to provide aid to desperately needy Iraqis who have been forced to flee from Isis.

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Jacob Prasch, who witnessed his coming to the Lord and with whom he had many fiery disagreements says: ‘”He was a fireball of the gospel… a true light to the Gentiles, to the Jews, the Muslims… a radical evangelist like from the Book of Acts, I’ve never seen anyone like him…the most radical evangelist I ever saw in my life”.

Simon led the Voice in the Wilderness congregation in the heart of Jerusalem. For more than 25 years he led teams to other cities handing out bibles in many languages. He also felt led also to minister among Syrian Kurds and Muslims. He had travelled frequently to Iraq and helped thousands of people with food, medical care and their spiritual needs.

Simon was a man of great energy and passion. He was married to his godly and supportive wife Dona, and had a grown daughter and two sons and was looking forward to being a grandfather soon. To his family and the Messianic believers in Israel are extended condolences and assurances that they are prayed for by many in this country.

Antony Simon’s Testimony

To read his testimony of how he came to believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah click here.

In his testimony, Simon expressed the wish that Jewish people would, like him, come to believe and trust for salvation in the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua HaMeshiach, Jesus Christ. He died being about the works of the Lord. Like David, he can say I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Simon’s ministry was supported by the South African David and Jonathan Foundation, a mission to Jewish believers in Israel that holds events and raises funds to fulfil Romans 15:27 and twins South African churches with Israeli congregations.

Simon was about the work of the Lord and will surely hear the Lord say Thou good and faithful servant!

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