Rain, rainbows and repentance at Mighty Men Canada

Double rainbows adorn the sky as men gather at the first Mighty Men Conference Canada last weekend.

Unexpected rain on the first night of Canada’s first Mighty Men Conference last weekend did not stop men from listening to Angus Buchan’s message — or from rushing forward in a spirit of repentance.

It started to drizzle as men arrived at the venue on Friday evening, says Buchan in a Facebook post.

“As I got up to speak, the rain started coming down in buckets. The men were not prepared for it, many of them sitting with no umbrellas or jackets. It was about 12 degrees temperature-wise and yet not one man moved. Two rainbows came out above the meeting — the clearest, most beautiful rainbows I think I have ever seen,” he writes.

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After he delivered a message on God calling men to stand up and be counted as prophet, priest and king in their homes, men started streaming to the front, before he could make an altar call, says Buchan.

“There was a fence around the stage that the men literally tore out of the ground, steel poles and netting wire. They pushed to the front, many weeping uncontrollably and we repented as a body.

Angus Buchan addresses men at It’s Time Canada, the first Mighty Men Conference in the nation.

“In the meantime, the rain continued to pour down. I said to the men: ‘God is washing away all our sins.’ There was no rush for anybody to leave. Nobody left. I never felt led to pray for healing because the healing was already taking place,” says Buchan.

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Reporting on the Saturday night session, attended by about 1 000 men at the Pass Creek Fairgrounds in Castlegar, British Columbia, Jeff Zak, the organiser of MMC Canada, says: “It was electric how God moved and healed and drew the men to Himself.”

According to an edited transcript of his feedback, he reports: “Men came forward for healing — being healed of hurt knees, taking off leg braces and tossing them away. An 80-year-old man walked for the first time in 20 years. It is incredible what God is doing, the men almost ran forward, they couldn’t wait to get forward.

“Hundreds of men, maybe a hundred and fifty men came forward for healing from pornography, men giving up cigarettes, throwing their lighters and everything away on the ground.

“The men responded in so many wonderful ways. There were rainbows in the sky. Rain drizzling at times like a promise of God’s cleansing, caring and blessing.”

In a blog post on the final meeting on Sunday, Buchan writes that the Holy Spirit reminded the gathering of the importance of the family unit.

He shared on the importance of order in the family starting with husbands loving their wives unconditionally, just like Christ loved the Church. He also challenged wives to respect and to submit to their husbands, as unto The Lord, and children to respect and honour their parents because it is the first commandment in the Bible, with a promise added to it — “Honour your father and mother so that your days may be long in the land.” Parents were also challenged parents not to antagonise their children.

At the end of the service, families stood together as they were led in recommitting their lives, families, principles and values to the Lord.

Buchan writes that God had since spoken clearly to him about the need to leave the mountain top and return to the valley where people are. He asks for prayer for the leaders and people who attended the MMC in Canada to continue to live according to the standard of the Word of God and to shine as lights — especially in the workplace — in the face of inevitable opposition from the devil.


  1. Glory!! Praise our mighty God for His precious love! Halleluya! may that flame spread in Canada!

  2. Thank you for this report on MM CANADA meeting by Angus Buchan.
    People everywhere need Christ and His Word to live by. May God richly bless every decision made for Him at that meeting and afterwards.

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