Register for the FOR SA religious freedom roadshow

People of faith in South Africa are invited to attend the FOR SA roadshow “live” n Cape Town or via Zoom on Tuesday June 8 from 6.30pm to 8pm.

Urging people to register now in order to be equipped to face mounting threats to religious liberty, Michael Swain executive director of Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA), says the key topics at the event will be the PEPUDA Amendment Bill, Department of Home Affairs’ draft Marriage Policy, latest developments on lockdown regulations and current legal cases.

You can click here to register for the live event, or click here to register for the Zoom event.

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Failure to understand the threats now and what can be done about them, will result in people’s rights being trampled underfoot and at risk of fines, jail time or church closures, says Swain.

Watch the FOR SA Roadshow info video below:

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