Relationships at the heart of the Karoo Mighty Men

Deepening connection with family in heaven and on earth

Relationships define our lives, for we only exist in relationship to each other, the world around us and our Creator.

Those attending the fourth Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC) will have the opportunity to deepen their relationships, starting with their relationship with the Lord God Almighty and extending to their relationships with family, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ.

Jannie Moolman, event co-ordinator, says relationships are at the heart of KMMC.

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He says attending the KMMC 2014, which is set to take place from 25th April to 27th April 2014 on the outskirts of Middelburg on Rusoord Farm, will allow for an enriching time with the Lord and fellow conference goers in a genuine time of fellowship where men will be able to focus on the relationships in their lives, make new friends, share testimonies, encourage one another, pray for one another, and receive teaching, guidance and counselling.

Moolman says family day on Sunday is another critical aspect of relationships at the conference, because the family is important to God.

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God has a heart for the family
“The Lord God has a heart for the family. Relationships within the family, with His Son Jesus Christ at the centre, are critical, because they encourage the love of God to be extended from family to friends, neighbours and whomever the Lord places in our paths.”

Our relationship with God begins when God draws us to Him through Jesus who said: “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him …” (John 6:44).

God’s word also encourages us with the promise: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8).

Our relationship with God is intensely personal. When we accept Christ as our Savior, God gives us his Spirit to live within us and the intimacy of this relationship is reflected by the kingdom of God being within us (Luke 17:21).

The more time we spend with God, praying to Him, worshipping Him in spirit and in truth (John4:24), and reading His word, the more mature our relationship with Him will become.

Seeking to know the Lord God Almighty can only be successful if we sacrifice time to wait on Him; spend time in His presence worshipping Him; and sacrifice time meditating on His Word.

Angus Buchan advises: “Make time for the Lord each day and you will be graced by His presence, you will hear from Him, and receive knowledge of Him.”

The KMMC organisers invite South Africa’s men to “Draw near to God” and spend time in His presence learning of Him and waiting on Him in the stillness of the Karoo.

KMMC 2014 aims to change men’s lives, by God’s grace, through leading them to salvation in Lord Jesus Christ and reconciliation with God, which will allow them to return home renewed, to love their families and neighbours in ways they have never done before.

“We hope to lead people into a closer relationship with the Lord, which will impact on the quality of all their other relationships,” says Moolman.

For more information visit the KMMC website at or Facebook page at, or contact Ruthi at or cell no 079 947 3566./ 049 8423310



  1. A fantastic experience, last year. God willing I will be there again with my son and other friends.

  2. Ferdi Erasmus

    Ek en my seun het al drie die vorige geleenthede bygewoon en beplan om DV weer daar te wees vanjaar. Almal was wonderlik en elke keer het ons met kragtige boodskappe terug gekeer huis toe.

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