Renowned Bible teacher David Pawson passes away at 90

Prominent United Kingdom-based Bible teacher, author and public speaker David Pawson died at 9am yesterday morning at the age of 90, Gateway News learned this morning.

Considered one of the finest Bible expositors of the world, Pawson travelled widely to teach, last visiting South Africa in 2010. According to his website, at the age of 90 — a landmark he reached in February — he was no longer accepting invitations to travel but was still launching new books.

His website notes: “He is widely known for bringing to the fore, where others fear to tread, a number of controversial subjects, for example:- “Once Saved Always Saved?”, “Remarriage is Adultery Unless…” and “Believers in Hell”. Other topical subjects include “The Challenge of Islam to Christians”, “Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters? and “Lessons of the Holocaust for Jews & Christians”. His most popular teaching by far is Unlocking the Bible which takes you from Genesis to Revelation, giving a solid biblical foundation for anyone wanting to get into the Word of God.

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Pawson wrote more than 75 books, produced more than 300 teaching videos and more than 1 500 audio recordings.

He leaves his wife Enid.

In a Facebook post about Pawson’s death, Tom Chacko, leader of Gateway Christian Fellowship in Yately in the UK, and long-time friend of Pawson, says: “David was a teacher of teachers. David was willing to teach on subject matters many would try and avoid; he challenged the status quo in many levels of theological thinking.”

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Andrew Selley, leader of Joshua Generation Church in Cape Town and of the Four 12 apostolic movement, says in a tribute posted on Facebook today: “David Pawson, a good friend of mine and one of earths great bible teachers has gone to be with the Lord. I knew David as a man of the Spirit and as one who courageously fought for Truth. He often wept when He taught us about our Lord and had a tender heart. Worship in wonder my friend as you now see Jesus as He really is. I can’t wait to join you there!”


  1. What a legend and a true disciple. His knowledge of the Bible was incredible.
    At least he is happy with his dear Saviour

  2. Hugh G Wetmore

    I and many others have been blessed by His teaching over the years. What a legacy he leaves behind!

  3. Taimi Heinilehto

    We have heard his bible teaching all over the world, even here in Finland. Tkankfully for his life.

  4. Fredrik Aabacka

    Thank You, dear “Master Carpenter in the Word of God”… It has been a delight to “see Your sharp eye and steady hand” in carving out the difficult parts, as well as to be “fed by Your serving”… You gave guidance and food -for the tough road!
    “F-ready the Finn”
    M Ed, Teacher in Crafts

  5. K. D. Bennett

    The English speaking world may not be aware of how wildly popular David Pawson’s teachings are in China. Hundreds of hours of his sermons and lectures are available in Mandarin and fill the need for deep, reliable teaching for millions of Chinese believers. We mourn our own loss, but rejoice for our dear teacher, and look forward to seeing him soon enough.

  6. David Melvill

    David Pawson fulfilled his calling on his life as one of the fine teacher of God’s word, through knowing Him and making Him known. We are the beneficiaries of his hours of labour in God’s word. So grateful and thankful!

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