Revival adventures with God today!

lindy-ann-global-awakening[notice]A new monthly column bringing you frontline testimonies of what God is stirring up across the globe. By international revivalist Lindy-Ann Hopley, Beautiful Witness Ministries.[/notice]

‘I believe and pray that as you read these testimonies of what He has done — you too will receive breakthrough in your life’

In 2011, I was in a crazy encounter with God during the Awakening Chicago conference in America. I had just been on a wild adventure through California, after having attended the Bethel School of Worship. I was weeping, lying face down for two hours. Suddenly I heard Him, in my Spirit, ask, ” I have called you to revival — do you say yes?”

I did.

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What an honour and privilege to be called by God to bring revival to the Nations!

And now to be able to share the stories of what He is doing across the globe with you here — glory!

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The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. And I believe and pray that as you read these testimonies of what He has done — you too will receive breakthrough in your life! It is a prophecy that God will do it again!


I have just gotten back home from two and a half months in Europe on the “Beautiful Witness Fire and Love Europe and Beyond Tour 2016” September – November.

What an adventure! Wow! Wow! Wow! God is awesome.

There is so much to tell, but I hope that I can do a good job of giving some kind of a summary.


Brussels, Belgium
The trip officially started in Brussels, Belgium. I was traveling with a small team — evangelistic pastor Florian and my own worship leader, Koray — both from Germany. I spoke in a prayer house very near the European Union about how Spiritual Warfare can be used to change a nation. The next day we went out on the streets with some of the young people from the previous night’s meeting. This was awesome! We started singing in front of the Union building whilst our team approached individuals sharing the love of Jesus. We had been told that singing and playing guitar would not be allowed and the police would chase us away, especially due to the recent bombings. They did not.

I stood in the central station and sang Amazing Grace at the top of my lungs and started to preach whilst the team was leading people to Jesus. There was a group of Italians — about four — who gave their lives to Jesus! One young man just stood right in front of me and stared at me. After finishing the song I walked up to him and asked “Do you know that Jesus loves you?”, he replied, “I do now”. I got to lead him to our Lord.

Watch Brussels Station video

In the central market place we started to worship — a group of Pakistani medical doctors surrounded us filming everything. We started to preach the gospel — pure and raw. We know of one man that gave his life to Jesus and is still in contact with Florian.

Gent, Belgium
Gent, Belgium was next. I was invited via a friend that told her pastor about me. Both of them are South Africans. This town was dark with open Freemasonry, Satanism and the town symbol a noose — the type you hang people with. But Jesus shines brighter!

I did two meetings. The first night something closed my throat whilst I was talking. But there was victory! I messaged all my intercessors. We prayed. I cried out to God while lying flat on my face. And then … that night the big meeting — a Wednesday — the place was packed! I was told that people are not really open for the moving of the Holy Spirit — if anyone falls over people would leave crying. Also that at 9pm most people would start leaving, that it is spiritually very tough and that the same spirit that attacked me the night before would come again.

But a different Spirit came! The Holy Spirit of the living God! Salvations, healings, miracles, encounters and Holy Spirit fire and glory! At midnight we left the building. People want Jesus. One lady had struggled with trauma from terrible abuse since she was a little girl. She had been for years of counselling, in and out of clinics — I had no idea. The Holy Spirit came on her and as she went down she realised God had just completely healed her of every pain and memory she still had. She messaged a week later to tell the full testimony — powerful! “I never thought God could set me free in one moment”.

Near Frankfurt, Germany and to Austria
Then glorious meetings in Germany. Near Frankfurt we had a meeting where whilst preaching I felt a pain in my right ear. “Who here is struggling with some kind of pain in their right ear?” I asked. Four people stood up. I prayed. An older lady in the back started to cry — “What’s happening there?” Her left ear was deaf! But not anymore!!! Another lady came to the front and told me “I won’t be using this anymore” — in her hand was her hearing aid. She had been deaf in her right ear for 15 years. Hallelujah!

Watch the testimony of the lady whose hearing was healed below:

From there we headed to Austria, to House David Prayer House. A five day conference with four sessions a day – me being the only speaker. This was exciting and exhausting — God moved powerfully! Another German team member, who I had met at Bethel, Simon joined us at this point.

One day we equipped the people and staff in evangelism and took them to the streets — they were changed for life! One lady stepped up to film us singing at the fountain and ended up getting totally healed of fibromyalgia — all her pain gone. One of the staff members said afterwards: “We will be doing this every week from now on”. Another day I spoke on Water Baptism and two people raised their hands, but on the day at the dam a whole catholic family spontaneously stepped forward and got baptised as well!

The catholic network in Austria ended up putting a preaching video of mine on their YouTube channel, doing a video interview with me and wrote an article. All glory to the King. God also healed the man in charge’s back when we prayed for him. Austria shall be saved!

Watch the testimony of the woman healed from fibromyalgia below:

Germany to Netherlands to France
Back to Germany we went. Weissenburg, Ulm and Kaiserslautern — amazing things! Even a weight loss miracle. Salvations, deliverances, healings and many people experiencing the Spirit of adoption. One lady’s partially deaf ear opened up — her face was priceless and I loved the fact that she makes hearing aids as a profession.

This lady near Toulose, France, couldn’t stop saying “merci, merci…” thank you after I prayed for her legs

Then it was a week in Netherlands. Sightseeing on bicycles and more of God’s glory revealed! One girl watched a live video I streamed on Facebook the Friday night and came to church that Sunday for the first time in two years to give her life to Jesus! I wish I could share all the testimonies — it was so powerful. People staying hours after the meetings for more!
I met up with my best friend in Lyon, France and had a week of “Bonjours” and yummy food! From there to the South of France where we “by chance” ended up a half hour away from Lourdes — a massive Catholic Mary temple where thousands and thousands of people come on pilgrimages from all over the world hoping to get healed when touching the cave where a Saint had a vision of Mary. They have seen 62 healings in 20 years. So we went knowing that this was a setup. The day we went “happened” to be in the middle of one of their big festivals with thousands of people lining up to touch the sacred rock. We waited on the other side and offered to pray for people. None of us spoke French or Spanish or any language that the majority of the people spoke, but we are all masters at charades. I approached an Asian lady in a wheelchair and showed her prayer hands. “Silvoutplait” she started to kick her legs and the tears started rolling down her cheeks … “Merci merci!!!” We saw God do wonderful things. I will be taking a team there later this year.

Budapest, Hungary to Istanbul, Turkey
In Budapest, Hungary there were pending doors that closed. So it turned into a week holiday. The Friday we moved to a host’s home and he was shocked that I was not invited to preach somewhere and started making phone calls. Before I knew it I had a house meeting the next night and preached at a church on Sunday! At the house meeting a 65-year-old man got healed and gave his life to Jesus for the first time in his life! I prayed for people who struggled with sleeping, including this man. The next day he was in church and had slept like a baby. Another lady who was there on Saturday night was also in church — she had not been able to sleep for 14 years – and had been healed! The church meeting exploded with 30 people on their knees in the front, some weeping, giving their lives to Jesus. Healing miracles, deaf ears, backs etc. Holy Spirit came like a mighty rushing wind and shook the people and set many free! People stayed for about three hours after the service usually ends and left grudgingly! “We have not seen a meeting like this for 15 years” — they told me. Jesus is King.

Watch the testimony of the healings in Budapest below:

While in Budapest we were at the castle sightseeing overlooking the city. Three older people were standing there too and the one lady shouted something out over the city. Similar to what I would do proclaiming Jesus. I asked about it and they said they were proclaiming Buddah’s reign over Budapest. I asked them out about their faith and they said if you follow a teacher for many years you can also start to see miracles. They had travelled with the Lama.


“Oh wow I also follow a teacher”.  I asked if they have ever seen a miracle themselves. The answer no. “Oh because I am only 31 and I see deaf ears opening, backs, eyes, cancer (shared a few testimonies). I also meditate , but on what my teacher has done. Jesus. Because of what He has done I get to walk in these things. I think I am following a better teacher!” They were amazed and said they had never had such a conversation with a Christian before. “Maybe you should pray for me,” the lady asked. She had scoliosis in the bottom part of her back and a pinched nerve spasm thing going down her one leg. “In Jesus Christ’s Name be healed!” Totally healed! That’s our King!!!

Three days in Istanbul, Turkey was meant to be an extended stopover before heading home with no ministry opportunities lined up, but the same thing happened and I got to minister at a small prayer meeting.

Back to Germany
The other unplanned event was a visa extension and so instead of flying back home to South Africa, I flew back to Germany where we went straight to the embassy — the day my visa expired and got the necessary stamp.

On the way back we got to lead a famous jazz musician to Jesus — many divine appointments await us everywhere!

Doors kept opening and I just kept walking through them.

The next day — I spoke at a youth meeting and a church meeting followed that Sunday in Rosenberg-Sulzberg. Gold dust appeared everywhere on the youth — they freaked out!

Olching School of the Supernatural

I attended a wedding where I was asked to bless the couple. So fun! Italians.

In Neumarkt, Germany, I got to speak to a 50 strong catholic home group — many were touched especially by the love of the Father.

Watch the testimony of salvations at Neumarkt

In Olching, Germany, I got to speak to a group of Supernatural Bible School students — God was so present and tangible. We saw great things. The Regensburg morning and evening church service followed — the power of God washed over the people. Many were set free from the spirit of rejection and miracles followed!

And back to Belgium
I had been invited to go back to Belgium to do a workshop at a big youth conference, but for only 20 youth. I was going to pay my own way and it is far to travel for 20 people. But God had another plan and gave me a dream. In the dream I missed a train and arrived late to a place where they were serving a big buffet for people in school uniforms and I was going to speak to them. And so off I went the next morning and that is exactly how it happened — I even missed the train. I was so late I had 15 minutes to speak. Eight hours travel for 15 minutes.

But they didn’t want to go for their break — and went to fetch their friends to come join the workshop. One girl was born partially deaf and her ear popped right open! “I didn’t even think this was something God would heal”. The rumour spread and that night the organiser asked if I would go up to do ministry after the main speaker spoke. Over 5 000 youth and just me and my King. It was awesome! The presence of God came mightily! Youth being baptised in Spirit and fire — people touched everywhere lying on the floor, youth weeping, getting set free, healings — the hand of God! Weeks later people were still sending testimonies about “this woman out of nowhere” and how God touched them!

Watch the testimony of restored hearing at the Youth Conference below:

One of the pastors there invited me to preach at his church that Sunday in Liege, Belgium. So I went back to Germany and then back to Belgium again. Oh the glory!

From there I flew to Istanbul and then home.

Many more incredible stories of changed lives
It might seem like a lot, but in actual fact there were so many incredible stories of lives changed — I have not shared even 10% of what God did!

Currently I am ministering in Cape Town and soon I am off to India and Dubai. If you would like to be involved in any way or partner with me please contact Do also keep in touch on Facebook

May the beautiful witnesses of God’s beautiful love for people encourage you to become all God has called you to be. To step out and release Christ in you the hope of Glory, because all the earth is waiting for you!

Lots of love and fire
Daughter of the King

Beautiful Witness


  1. Awesome article by Lindy-Ann Hopley.

  2. We serve an Awesome God..Thank you Jesus for servants, daughters and sons ,willing to go and to do, revival is here ,glory to His Name, Amen !!!

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