Rodney Howard-Browne leading 12-day gospel crusade in Cape Town

Evangelist Rodney Howard-Browne preaching on the first night of the Fire in the Cape crusade.

International evangelist Rodney Howard-Browne began a 12-day Fire in the Cape crusade in Cape Town yesterday.

Together with his wife Adonica and Bishop N D Nhlapho founder and director of God Never Fails Revival Church he is ministering nightly in a massive tent pitched at the Chukker Road Sports Ground in Kenwyn from February 14 to 25.

On the opening night South African-born Howard-Browne who heads up Revival Ministries International and leads the River Church in Tampa Bay, Florida, said he was excited about numerous recent and historic prophecies of revival fires starting in Cape Town and spreading through Africa and beyond.

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Melissa Driver of Youth Transformation Africa one of the local ministries partnering with Revival Ministries said they were expectant for many people to be saved and mightily impacted in a city that has been taking a knock from a severe drought.

Attendance at the crusade sessions which start at 7pm is free. More information is available at or by calling 063 655 7918.



  2. Maria Tshabalala

    Yesterday was my first night, and WOW, what an awesome service, Jesus is alive!!! Only problem was with the signage posts with ‘handicap’.The most appropriate and acceptable term used globally, is People with Disabilities. Better more, the sign with a wheelchair. Have a lovely week.

  3. I live in the west coast and every night im tuned in on the and my lady friend are coming today to cape town for weekend to atend crusade meeting.miraculous meetings amen

  4. Hi there, I would lime to know about the transport to chukker road…do the free taxis come pick up in town?

  5. Jesus is alive !!! great meetings, we watch on Faith T.V. get touched in our living room, this is from God,to bring Fire first,than the rain…do not even bother,to check this man of God out on google,you will always get the critics,those are either the unbelievers,or the dead ones.. Jesus is the live and our joy, He gets the glory!! amen !!

  6. There were amassing miracles happen far back of the gathering, that the cameras could not capture. I saw people lying rows in laughter with spirit of Joy. My heart was overjoyed for them. Knowing what most of them endured in place like Lavender Hill, Hanoevrr Park, Delft.Mitchells Plain, Park wood, Gugulethu and Kayelitsha. Thank you dr Rodney for your obedience.
    We are truly missing you and family…..Hope to see you soon in the Mother City….

  7. My sister knocked on every door in Lavender Hill who had a dish to tune to Faith TV. she knocked on every door. She blessed each neighbour with water that she received from the crusade. We were laughing because the people are keeping the water remembrance of Dr Rodney.

    so much to say how God touch the lives of children and how these children touch the hearts of their parents……Qe are overjoyed…..God sorg mos vir die mossies. Sjoe ons kan nie uitgepraat raak van die Fire in the Cape nie. Die grootste wonder werk was dat ons Hele familie aangeraak was die Heilige Gees. Ek dink nie eers mense was bewus van die verwantskap nie. When we came home we talking over each other. Rude manners I know! But we were full of Joy.

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