SA Christians holding rally to support Israel


Christians are participating in a mass rally in support of Israel next week to pray for the Jewish state and to protest against the South African government’s increasing hostility against Israel.

The SA Christian Solidarity Rally For Israel will take place at Freedom Park in Pretoria from 10 am to 2pm on Wednesday July 25 and all those wishing to take a stand for Israel are welcome to join.

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“Let’s make our voices heard. People of all faiths are invited to join us in prayer and to hand over a petition to the SA Government to cease efforts to server ties with the State of Israel,” the organisers, have said.

The rally is being supported by several churches in South Africa in conjunction with the South African Friends of Israel (SAFI). “We don’t care if it’s not politically correct, we want to be biblically correct,” say the organisers.

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The rally follows a pro-Israel petition, launched last month by SAFI co-chairperson Ben Swartz, which received some 37 000 signatures, according to the SA Jewish Report.

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“The rally aims to give a voice to those who have thus far been relatively silent in their public support of the Jewish State. Considering this number of signatories, the rally will afford those who support Israel from across the religious spectrum another opportunity to take a stand and make their position clear,’ the Report says.

“Although SAFI is facilitating the event, it has been through the Christian community’s insistence that it has been initiated,” says Swartz. “They have been calling for an opportunity to demonstrate that they want to put the interests of greater South Africa first and strengthen its relationship with Israel for the country’s benefit.

“Coming together in unity and in solidarity, Jews and Christians alike have committed to a cause that carries personal significance for many of them, and are determined to make themselves heard,” he says.

More information about the rally is available by emailing or by calling 081 921 0325


  1. Suzette Van Rooyen

    I really pray that as many Christians will support this event. The Jewish community deserve our love and support, as mentioned in the Word. We pray your blessing on the organizing of this event.

  2. Our beloved LORD GOD will bless those who bless Israel,and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. South African leaders must be aware of this fact and other issues as well if we are to regain any semblance of future success.

  3. I don’t want South Africa to be cursed

  4. The only democracy in the m-east.We owe the Jews so much…my King is a Jew who WILL rule the world soon from Jerusalem…Halleluyah..!!!

  5. Thinus van Dyk

    Those who turn against Israel, turn against Almighty God, and thus bring a curse upon themselves!!!

  6. Thinus van Dyk

    SA is living under a curse, from the day that the ANC (Mandela), decided to turn against Israel and took sides with the Palestinians.

  7. Jenny Slabbert

    GOD will bless those who bless Israel,and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Thank you Jesus

  8. A wonderful idea, but your invite read “people of all faith….come together to pray”
    So to which God will you be praying? I know your heart is right, but be careful on wording these event information correctly.

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