SA Christians urged to unite in bold initiative to transform country

The Old Sasko Mill, Senekal, Free State, the venue for the Christian Leadership Summit on April 12 to 13

The time for talking about constructive change in South Africa is over and it’s time to unite for implementing change.

That is the conviction of the organisers of a Christian Leadership Summit called Uniting for Change that will take place in Senekal in the Free State from Wednesday April 12 to Thursday April 13.

Christian people with influence in any sphere, or who have a heart to make a difference, are invited to attend the summit which will be focused around two days of strategic planning aimed at coming up with attainable action plans, to be implemented immediately, in 10 main sectors of society that have been identified.

“It is very easy to point out the many challenges we have in our nation today and tensions are running high at present. However, we believe that we can come up with all the solutions, IF we join hands peacefully and work together,” say the organisers in an invitation to South African believers irrespective of their denominational or political affiliations. 

Watch the 3 minute overview video below for more info on the summit:

Pastor John Matuhle, a member of the summit organising committee and community leader in Senekal, told Gateway News that one of the reasons why the town was chosen as the venue for the meeting is because of what God has done there since He intervened and stopped a potential race war in the town in 2020 and instead birthed a unifying work in which black and White people have taken hands to rejuvenate the region.

The 10 sectors for which solutions will be identified are:

  1. Business (all business, including taxi owners, farmers, tourism, etc.)
  2. Medical
  3. Influencers (including sport, arts, media, entertainment, motivational speakers, etc.)
  4. Governance — all people who feel led to be involved in governance
  5. Institutional Church (clergy and ministries)
  6. Welfare Organisations (charities, NGOs, etc.)
  7. Environmental affairs
  8. Education 
  9. Law
  10. Safety and security

You can find out more about the summit – and register now – on the website

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  1. I am praying God’s guidance for this Conference, and God’s abundant enabling blessing upon the implementation of the outcoming resolutions

  2. What a beautiful venture!

    I wrote a song after the Senekal event. I am so encouraged to see how God has answered my prayers and the implied prayer in the song. Here is a link to the song if it is of interest to anybody involved:

    I live in the UK but will always love South Africa and her people.

  3. Dennis Neville Stirk

    At last something positive is being done in the Name of Almighty GOD. Together with a major revival, great things are able to happen. We believe that GOD is mobilizing His people to stand up and be counted to stop the evil in our beloved land