SA covered with God’s Word in October as five separate Bible Reading Marathons completed

Vidette and Amore van Veijeren at the Bible Reading Marathon at Spirit Reign Ministries. Kariega (Uitenhage) from October 23 tp 26. Other Bible Reading Marathon venues in October were NG Kerk, Kareedouw; Lofdal PPK, Middelburg; Jehova Jireh Pinkster Gemeente, Brakpan and PPK Secunda, Secunda.

God’s Word was repeatedly spoken out loud from Genesis to Revelation across South Africa in October as five different Bible reading marathons were successfully completed during the month.

Kariega (Uitenhage) feedback

Bible Reading Marathon pioneer Illona de Wit said their event at Spirit Reign Ministries, Kariega (Uitenhage), from October 23 to 26 was their eighth in seven years. She said they completed reading the Bible out aloud in 80 hours and 36 minutes.

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“We started the marathon with worship and ended with communion. The Lord’s presence was tangible in the hall and the readers were moved whilst reading.

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Elmarita Wicks, left and Illona de Wit, co-hosts of the event

“We would like to extend a challenge to Christian schools in South Africa to arrange a Bible Reading Marathon Day where pupils group together to read a book in the Bible until all 66 books have been read. We strongly believe this will create a hunger in pupils to read the Word for themselves.

“Schools are welcome to contact us for more information and suggestions. Let’s take a stand for the Word of God in South Africa,” said Illona.

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Testimonies from Kariega (Uitenhage)

Today was meant for me. I tend to speak before thinking. Although I didn’t say things to hurt or harm, I should sometimes be careful what I say as it can hurt other. — Anonymous

As I write my book while listening to the Word being read, I feel the Lord tugging at my heart. While working on Matthew 11:12, I received a revelation about Heaven facing opposition, revealing how it points to those who are determined to force their way through to be with God.

This is my 3rd BRM. The Lord moved from beginning to end. Homeless people came for prayer on day 2 — Elmer Buys

Niel de Wit

What I got out of the BRM, while I was reading, I saw God’s promises and His might. Only God is God and He has no rivals. WE NEED THE FEAR OF THE LORD

While I was reading 1 Chronicles 29, especially the part where it spoke about the precious stones, the Holy Spirit reminded me about the dream I had weeks ago. It touched my heart. The dream was about the Church. — Jolene Oberholzer

Joh, daar is baie konings in Konings. Dis was ‘n vrede volle ervaring. — Anonymous

Ek is so geseënd om in die nabyheid van ons God en Vader te wees. Jesus Amen — Thys van Rensburg

Jillian Matiwane, front, and Thulisa Ncwadi

As I read, I realised that God has truly laid out all the prerequisites and rules that we need to follow. We have a God and we are His people. I will try to follow the rules that the Holy Spirit leads me to follow as the head of my family. — David Naidoo:

Ek het in ‘n hele paar tydgleuwe gelees en ‘n groot deel daarvan was in Psalms. Als het normal gegaan totdat ek b Psalm 139 kom, toe het ek die Heilige Gees so gevoel dat ek later nie meer kon lees nie as gevolg van my emosies. Dit was ‘n wonderlike ervaring. — Arno Ferreira

But of all the privileges I have had to be part of the marathons, I have read some of the most precious verses so far! I believe in God’s Word and feel it a privilege to be able to participate. I feel surrounded with God’s love and His Word. Thank you for allowing us to be part of this wonderful reading. — Barbara Reynolds

Ek geniet dit! — Sheila

It is my third Bible Reading Marathon. I plan to do it every year. — Erika Teitge

Ons as mens is vol verwagting, maar ons is klein gelowig. Ons sê altyd God sal voorsien, maar stres oor wat môre sal bring. Waar is die geloof? — Hannes

Marius du Toit

Reading the Bible always brings a calm feeling over me. It’s refreshing, inspiring and very uplifting. God bless you for arranging the Bible Marathon. — Wayne de Klerk

Was weer ‘n voorreg en seën om deel te kon wees. Die vyand was wel lustig, maar hy het nie oorwin nie. Voel dat ek net meer groei in die Here en dat dit net vir mens laat besef dat ons nie sonder Hom kan nie.

Die gedeeltes word elke jaar net duideliker en ek verstaan dit ook beter. Sien volgende jaar 2025! — Louis Arendt

Today, Saturday 26/10/2024, I read from Ephesians and 1 – 11 Thessalonians . The Lord is calling us to holiness and sanctification. We are exhorted and encouraged to put on the full armour of God in these last days. To love one another and obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The anointing of God was tangible again. I thank the team for their labour of love. — Anna Botha

Kareedouw feedback

A Bible Reading Marathon was held for the third year at the NG Church, Kareedouw, hosted by that church and the Church at Tzitzikamma.  

Front, from left, Frida van Jaarsveld, Antoinetta Botha, Isabel Starbuck, Latiticia Swartbooi. Back, from left, Bradley Joemat, Don Starbuck, Melodie Lezar.

Antoinette Botha reports: “After a time of worship and prayer, at 20h00 – we started reading  Genesis 1.   We knew that we could not do this alone, trusting the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, doing what we could not do!  What a Faithful God is He! Night and day we read, many people taking part and on 12th October 2024 at 13.45, we finished reading through the Bible in 89.45 hours.

“A highlight this year was that many children from a local school came to read the Bible in 15 minute slots. At first the children were hesitant to read but quickly gained confidence and they wanted to go on reading. The intensity of reading the Bible was awakening  their spirits, giving rise to many questions afterwards. 

“One of the girls had done a school assignment on Jonah and as she sat to read, not knowing where – it was the Book of Jonah! The Holy Spirit was working and she wondered that God was speaking to her again. 

“As the children were reading, they experienced God speaking through His Word to them. Speaking into their hearts and they realised they did not need to be perfect or right to hear His Voice. 

Sanet Swartz, left, and Eunice Joemat

“On the Friday night a group of girls read the Word for nine hours, very aware of God speaking to them. Holy Spirit continued to touch and speak to old and young, as we heard the testimonies afterwards. All honour and glory to God  for this most precious time to proclaim out loud the full counsel of God over our region and over South Africa!

“May this awareness and desire to read the Bible grow stronger and stronger, as the Spirit moves our hearts to seek the One Jesus Christ who is called THE WORD OF GOD – THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS MARANATHA”

Brakpan feedback

The Pinkster Gemeente, Jehova Jireh, Brakpan held their second Bible Reading Marathon from 7am on October 21 to 11.48am on October 24, setting a new record of 76 hours and 52 minutes.

Brakpan testimonies

Ek kan net sê dat dit ‘n voorreg is om deel te kan neem aan so ‘n maraton. Ons as gemeente leer om eendragtig saam te werk soos DIE LIGGAAM VAN CHRISTUS saam behoort te werk……. Ten spyte van die feit, dat ons vinnig lees, leer ons tog Meer van GOD SE WOORD… WAT BETEKEN ONS GELOOF VERSTERK WANT:  GELOOF Kom uit DIE GEHOOR, en GEHOOR uit DIE WOORD VAN GOD…….. Ons is Geseënd om as Gemeente sulke PROJEKTE saam aan te pak….. Wees GESEËND — Harriet Roloff

From left, Magda Odendaal, Thys Homann, Harriet Roloff, Charmaine van Zyl

Weereens was dit ‘n wonderlike voorreg om deel te wees van die maraton. Die woord van die Here kan op enige plek gelees en gedeel word. Onse moeder en oudste lid van die span, het haar plekkie volgestaan en  selfs al was sy gehospitaliseer na n hartaanval kon sy die maraton afsluit deur Gods genade. Al die lof aan Koning Jesus. — Magda Odendaal

Ek wil ook dankie sê dat ek deel kon wees van die bybelmaraton. Ek was so geseënd om ‘n tabernakel te kon bou. Dankie my Jesus vir alles wat ek ervaar het met die Heilige Gees soos ek gebou het, al die lof kom U toe in Jesus naam. — Grace Venter

From left, Louw van Niekerk, Nicolene van Niekerk, Annetjie Goosen, Nadia van der Nest

Ons is nooit te oud om nog nuwe dinge te leer elke keer as ons deur die bybel gaan nie, dankie Abba Vader. — Thys Homann

Ongelooflike ervaring om intiem met God, Jesus en Sy woord te kon wees en raak. Ek het soveel geleer en geondervind en sien uit daarna om net nog meer en meer te kan leer uit hierdie ondervinding om nog nader aan God en Jesus deur die leiding van die Heilige Gees te wees.  Dankie Here🙏🏻🙏🏻 — Kobus Boylan

 From left, Tracy Smith, Don Bolton, Melanie Potgieter. Hannelie Smit

Thank you JESUS for giving me the courage of my convictions. It was amazing to take part. You started reading when you look again your time is up… You just want to carry on reading. You look forward to your time again. — Tracy Smith

Dankie aan ons Hemelse Meester dat hy ons elke keer die voorreg gee om die Bybel deur te kan lees. Ons almal kan nie wag dat dit jou beurt is nie, want jy as mens wil net lees. Jy is so honger vir die woord dat jy nie wil ophou lees nie dankie my Vader. Sien uit na die volgende keer. God seën julle almal🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 — Charmaine Van Zyl

   From left, Wilma Boylan,  Secilia van den Berg, Pastoor Leon Steenkamp, Arno Potgieter

Ek wil ook dankie sê dat ek deel kon wees aan die Bybel lees marathon. Dit het vir my baie beteken en weer my gees gevul, dankie hoop ons maak gou weer so. — Chris du Plooy

Weereens is die Skrif vir ons oopgebreek en lewendig gemaak deur die Heilige Gees. Net weer besef ons kan Die Bybel 100 maal deurlees, maar as ons nie dit wat daar geskryf staan toepas in ons lewe nie beteken dit niks. Leef die Woord uit en jy sal lewe. — Pastoor Annetjie van der Berg

From left, Chris du Plooy, Pastoor Neels Potgieter, Angelique Fouche, TJ Fouche, Pastoor Annetjie van der Berg            

My kleindogter word agt in November en my kleinseun word nege in Desember. Hulle wil graag nuwe kinderbybels he vir hulle verjaarsdae, want hulle wil graag hulle eie bybel marathon hou en kyk wie eerste sy nuwe bybel kan deurlees. Hierdie ouma se hart loop oor van dankbaarheid, want dit is n geval van, “What monkeys see, monkeys do”. Dankie Here dat hulle dit by ons kon leer. Al die eer aan die Here. — Magda Odendaal

Middelburg feedback

Ella, front, and Ina

PPK Lofdal Church Middelburg, Mpumalanga completed their third Bible Reading Marathon in 89 hours and 19 minutes from October 24 to October 27

Middelburg testimonies

Dit is die eerste keer dat ek die Bybel hardop gelees het. Ek het myself so ingeleef in die verhaal. Dit is asof ek alles beleef het saam met Hiskia, koning van Juda. Vir my het hardop lees baie meer krag.

Dit was n groot belewenis, en die ervaring vd teenwoordigheid vd Heilige Gees was intens. — Laura Pieterse

Die eerste gedeelte wat ek gelees het tydens die bybel maraton was Genesis 21-24 Isak se geboorte asook die gedeelte waar Abraham vir Hagar en Ismael moes wegstuur en laastens waar Abraham getoets word deur vir Isak te moet offer.

From the left, Lynette Exall, Hannetjie Vermaak, Wilma Joubert and Ernest Exall

Die gedeelte oor Isak se geboorte was vir my ‘n bevestiging op die belofte wat ek nog die hele 2024 van die Here ontvang het dat ek ook my eie kind sou hê.

Ek het vir baie jare dit uitgestel om kinders van my eie te hê omrede ek baie “invest” het daarin om vir my oorlede broer se twee dogters ‘n beter lewe te gee, maar toe hulle weg trek begin 2024 het ek besef die leemte wat dit gelos het en my begeerte na ‘n kind van my eie het begin groei. Ek het in Maart by “New Season prophetic conference” twee profetiese woorde ontvang dat ek wel n kind van my eie sou hê dat ek nie te oud is (my vrees) en dat dit nie te laat is nie. Ek sukkel steeds om swanger te raak en het begin planne maak om dalk aan te neem of ander alternatiwe opsies te oorweeg. Maar…

Pastoor Kallie het die eeste sondag wat ek Lofdal besoek het gepraat van “Nuwe Seisoen” en van Sara en Abraham en ek het in my hart die Heilige Gees hoor sê, “don’t settle for Ismael” dit was vir my ‘n bevestiging van my eie kind en toe ek met die maraton lees van Isak se geboorte en Sara se ouderdom ens. was my hart vol vreugde want ek het geweet die Here kom bevestig dit weer vir my op so ‘n mooi manier….

Later in die bybel maraton (Laaste dag) toe ek n gedeelte in die nuwe testament lees was dit in Hebreërs weereens van Abraham en Sara hulle geloof en God se belofte aan Abraham

Wilma Kraft

Self sedert die bybel maraton bly ek boodskappe kry oor Sara en Abraham en hoor van vrouens wat in hul 40s kinders gehad het, so my hoop is ten volle vernuwe dat God vir my my eie kind sal gee soos hy al heel jaar beloof, dit gaan wel sy tyd wees en nie myne nie. — Hazel Clingen

Ek het die laaste hoofstukke van 2 Konings gelees en die ervaring van die teenwoordigheid van die Heilige Gees was intens. Die gedeelte het my laat besef hoe bevoorreg ons is omdat Jesus in ons plek aan die kruis gesterf het. 

Daar is geen toorn van God meer teenoor ons as gevolg van Manasse se verkeerde dade nie en die feit dat Jesus opgevaar het na die Hemel en Hy vir ons plek voorberei waar Hy aan die Regterhand van God sit.

Dit het vir my gevoel asof Jesus Self direk uit die Woord vir my die verhaal vertel. Die teenwoordigheid van die Vader, Seun en Heilige Gees was intens. Dit was asof dit net ek en Jesus alleen in daardie gebou was, en niemand anders nie.

Dankie vir die geleentheid om te kon deelneem. Die ervaring het my ‘n heel ander sienswyse ten opsigte van Bybel lees gegee omdat dit so spesiaal is. Amen — Steve Pieterse

Sintiche Joubert

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  1. Suzettt van Rooyen

    Where can one contact the organizers?

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