SA Friends of Israel ‘march’ on Luthuli House — Hands off Chief Justice Mogoeng

South African Friends of Israel will be hosting a virtual protest in support of Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng and his love for Israel. The protest will take place on Friday July 3 at 1pm and comes in direct response to the ANC’s virulent attack on the chief justice and on the free speech that our constitution protects, says SAFI in a media release.

“Christians in South Africa will not be silenced but we will stand up for our freedom of religion and expression. We fully support the right of Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng to speak out and express his Christian views. Any attempt to twist his words and promote hateful agendas is deplorable and must not be tolerated.

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“As South African Christians we will speak out regarding our Christian convictions, our connection to Israel, and our support for peace in the Holy Land. We wholly support the Chief Justice and take great objection to any of our fundamental rights as South African citizens being undermined.,” says the statement.

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The virtual protest will be moderated by Pastor Barry Isaacs, with various Christian leaders who will be speaking out for freedom of religion and freedom of speech in South Africa. You can join live on Friday from 1pm to 2pm at


  1. Luister gerus na prof Koos Malan (UP Openbare Reg) oor hoofregter Mogoeng oor Pretoria FM op Maandagaand 29 Junie – vanaf minuut 1 tot 8 –

  2. Willie Mashegwana

    I support freedom of religion and freedom of speech
    I support Christian values.

  3. Calvary Greeting
    Why is it that when other religions besides Christianity express their beliefs, there is no opposition AT ALL? What’s so “sovereign” about Christianity that “boils” inside people’s souls to the extent of calling for resignation, discipline by the Head of State? Makes one think ‘eh?
    Reign King Jesus Christ reign, You are indeed the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings.
    We will continue to honour the Word of God and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, JESUS CHRIST is the PRINCE of Peace! SHALOM!

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