‘SA, pray and declare for 50 days to usher in Kingdom of God’

South Africans in prayer (PHOTO: Angus Buchan Facebook page),

SA Prayer Movement for Change has issued the following call on South African believers to end the year strongly with 50 days of prayer:

This is a call to the Church in South Africa to intensify prayer in order to usher in the Kingdom of God during these last 50 days of 2019. This is in line with the prophetic word that was released about South Africa saying:

“In the years 2017-2019 God is going to dismantle the power of the enemy and begin to usher in the Kingdom of God.”

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 The following are the Scriptures to stand on as we pray:

Daniel 2:44-45; Isaiah 9:1-7; Matthew 4:12-17; Mark 11:22-24; Luke 1:45

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 As part of prayer for the nation, continue to make the declarations given to the Church – Job 22:21-30

Open churches for prayer over these 50 days, pray in your homes, in your offices, in schools and any other available place for prayer.

Cover the nation with prayer until fulfilment of the things that were spoken from the Lord.

The Lord is well able to perform His word – Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 46:8-11;48:36;20;Psalm 68:11;Jeremiah 1:12;John 14:13,14;15:7

 Declarations for the Church

(Make these declarations every day for the whole year of 2019-2020/5780 the year of Declarations, Redemption, Rescue and Restoration)

 God, You said: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”.

We declare that we are your people. We are called by your name. We humble ourselves. Show us our sin of pride that lends itself to greed, corruption and violence against women, children, the foreigner, the poor and those different from us.

Teach us to pray in earnest and with courage, as is required by the hour in which we find ourselves. Help us to resist the evil that has befallen us, for Your Word teaches us that there is a kind of evil “that does not go out except by prayer and fasting”.

 We turn from our wicked ways. Help us to embrace the stranger, for we were once foreigners in the lands of others. Help us to desist from the oppression of the weak and vulnerable, for you have brought us out of the yoke of oppression and called us to be a witness to the Light you have shown to us. Please hear us from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land.

We declare that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness of it and its inhabitants. South Africa and all its inhabitants belong to God. We speak to the gates of South Africa and to its everlasting doors to lift up their heads and let the King of Glory, the Lord strong and mighty, mighty in battle, into South Africa. We return this nation to the sovereign lordship, rule, reign and dominion of the Lord. According to Your Word: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance”.

We declare that South Africa is blessed because of our fear of the Lord. We stand in the gap and repent for South Africa’s disobedience, rebellion, sin, unrighteousness and ungodliness. We renounce all ungodly alliances with organisations, institutions and practices that do not honour Christ. We pray that you will forgive and deliver our nation. Let your wrath not be poured out upon us. Don’t let your anger be kindled against us. For the sake of the remnant in this nation who still love you, serve you and seek your face, have mercy upon this land.

We return South Africa to you, God our Father. Cause a hunger and thirst for righteousness to fill the land. Fill our hearts with desire for you. Lord of the Harvest, the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Send labourers to gather the harvest of lost souls. Bring salvation to the citizens of South Africa through true repentance and authentic conversions, and cause our families and neighbours to be born again. Let signs, wonders and miracles follow those who believe. We pray for revival and the restoration of all that is true, beautiful, holy and righteous.

We declare that violence shall no longer be heard in the land of South Africa. No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor will ruin or destruction be heard within our borders. We call the walls of South Africa “Salvation” and the gates of South Africa “Praise”. We declare that the Lord will be our everlasting light, and our glory and the days of sorrow will end.

We declare that our people will be righteous, and they will possess the land forever. AMEN!

Prophetic words over SA 

Download lists of some of the prophetic words over SA, up to 2017.

Summary of prophetic words over South Africa 2017

Prophecies for South Africa




  1. Hi.
    Just read through these documents of prophecies about South Africa. As some are a little obscure, so cannot be checked, I’ll leave those. Regarding others that gave time frames for certain things to happen, but these didn’t.
    Quick question: How would you classify these errors? There are also many other examples of this in the Body of Christ world wide. There are many who would say this indicates a false prophecy/prophet, as it was being spoken in the name of Almighty God, and never came true. This seems to be backed up by Scripture. Others would say perhaps the person misheard or made a mistake, but that doesn’t mean he’s a false prophet. And still others will say, that the interpretation is wrong, and we need to seek a different interpretation.
    I’m interested to hear opinions please. And I think as Christians, we need to show from Scripture why we think that. Because if our beliefs are taken from outside of Scripture, we have no yardstick or frame of reference to see and understand whether we are right or wrong.
    Look forward to it..

  2. Many readers are probably not aware that numerous prophecies have been uttered about spiritual breakthrough that would start in Cape Town and spread to the rest of SA and then to the rest of Africa and beyond. These prophecies have been compiled in book form which is freely available from the website: https://stafp.com. The first one mentioned was given by John Lake back in 1908. The last one that is mentioned was in 2014. It gives the detail of 40 authentic prophecies. It would be wonderful if all the prophets in our country could start working together. There seem to be so many different groups, each doing its own thing, proclaiming its own views.

  3. Readers will do well if they return to studying prophecies found in the Bible, in context, and in its entirety. Readers will do well if they put less emphasis on the type of prophetic utterances mensioned in this article. The prophecies found in the Bible are powerful on its own for believers to come to realise that the Body of Believers are in VERY SERIOUS deception, trapped in Babylonian confusion. The prophecies I mentioned are that of Daniel and Revelation. In Revelation there are warning messages to the Body of Believers. God is warning His own to come out of Babylon. This article has Babel written ALL OVER IT. Do not take offence of my critizism, rather be a good “Barean” (Acts 17:11) … and test to see if this is true. Here is a resource that I can recommend: https://revelationofjesus.net/en/the-book/

  4. I have a problem with all the talk/prophesies about SA becoming so Godly n stop the violence etc etc. Why should He stop it. Look at Europe where theres no violence n corruption etc like here. They are “down the tubes” so to speak spiritually. The Lord Jesus came to a captive nation with incredibly cruel Rome ruling. He never changed it but told them to pay their tax & pray for the leaders. We’re to by the Lord to go make disciples, help the [poor widows & orphans. That’s it. The Church is growing the fastest in persecuted countries & it’s pathetic (generalisation but VERY general) in the West.
    No, things are going to get worse for the world & for Christians. GOD SAID SO IN THE BIBLE. We’re told by the Lord to stand, stand firm in our faith Eph6.
    Suffering produces the real church as it did in the time of the Apostles & comfort produces the Laodicean church of revelations.

  5. I agree with the above comments. Nowhere in the Bible are we told to pray for the conversion of a country. Nowhere. And all these so-called prophesies? Our citizenship is in Heaven Phil. 3:20. We are strangers and sojourners on earth. Satan is the god of this world system. Proclaim Christ! Care for the weak. Walk in love….

    • Agree fully. That’s why on my original comment, I was hoping for anyone to back up these “prophetic declarations” from Scripture. One of the most abused Bible verses is God’s old testament promise to Israel(his own chosen nation) of 2 Chronicles 7:14
      14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

      We should be praying for our country, as Paul instructed believers. But NOWHERE is it ever said that believers are to make declaration of the type that is being done widespread in the church today.
      As I see it, these are all signs of a falling away from Biblical truth, which ultimate end is deception.

      Again, if there are people that disagree with this assessment, please could you show from Scripture. Especially how failed prophetic words could be accepted as normal for prophets. Years ago(in my deceived days) I did a ‘prophetic course’. We were specifically taught that we could expect to get prophecies wrong, as we need to learn to hear from God. This is in COMPLETE OPPOSITION to what the Word of God teaches. If someone could enlighten me how I misinterpret Scripture, we could have an honest discussion.

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