SA will be known for reconciliation, says Cindy Jacobs at Empowered21 congress

Cindy Jacobs (PHOTO: File picture, Facebook).

“South Africa will be known as the country of reconciliation,” Cindy Jacobs, respected American prophetess, teacher and author, prophesied over the country. [See full prophecy here]

She gave a riveting talk on the importance of the gift of prophecy, and then proceeded to demonstrate the gift by giving Word on Africa and South Africa. This all happened at the Empowered21 African Congress that is taking place in Johannesburg until Saturday.

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“God wants to heal the land; we just have to trust him. He heard the cries of the land,” she said.

There was not a dry eye in the house as Jacobs said the land in South Africa is groaning under the indignities and violence of the past, “and there has been a lot of bloodshed here.”

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She said the people of the country should not look to the government for a workable solution but rather trust that God will bring healing, especially through a movement that is going to start through the church.

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“I also see various trading routes throughout Africa that will be established to break the cycle of poverty over the continent.”

Jacobs said churches must not be scared to embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially prophecy.

“As a church, we should take advantage of the gifts. Who would not want to know the future? The millennials have a hunger for the supernatural; that is why they are so interested in witchcraft, tarot card readings and mediums. We should present them with the real thing, and not let them be deceived by the counterfeit powers out there!

“I know there are a lot of prophets out, who’s prophecies did not come to light, but we should take up the challenge and release a teaching gift, to strengthen and support their gift, rather than avoiding it.”

Reverend Frank Chikane, Africa co-chair of Empowered21, had the audience on fire. He said people should take care not to be seduced by the power of God. “It is not for us to misuse or show off God’s power. Power can be destructive or it can be used to build the Kingdom of God – for God’s glory only.”

He said a good sermon had its role to play, but in an instant it can be irrelevant, when the people are touched by the power of God.

Dr Goodwill Shana.

Dr Goodwill Shana of Word of Life International Ministries in Zimbabwe supported Chikane’s talk by highlighting the dangers of power, when it is showcased without the foundation of God’s principles.

“That is why we get churches who are in chaos, ordering their congregation to eat grass, and spraying them with insecticide. The word of God should always support what we do,” he said.

Dr Fakry Hanna, a theologian and evangelist from Egypt shared heartfelt testimonies from missionaries who ministered to refugees in the Middle East. “Even if you are deserted, lost most of your family, God has not forsaken you. We have seen countless times how God carried these people- and heard their desperate cries.”

He believes God plans a great revival in the Middle East, especially Egypt.

Dr George Wood, Global co-chair of Empowered21, said God will almost always show off his power when we think it’s impossible. “The enemy wants to limit your resources and maximise your discomfort but if you trust in God and obey Him, He will reveal the bigger plan. He is the God of the impossible and He wants us to grow in faith.”

Dr Niko Njotorahardjo, chair of Empowered21 in Asia, said he believed a new Pentacost will come where masses will be touched by an authentic encounter with the Holy Spirit.

The main goal of the Empowered21 movement is to equip the body of Christ to reach out to their community and to the nations of world. “Our vision is that every person on earth would have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit by Pentecost 2033,” states its vision statement.


  1. Amen we are ready Lord move with fire

  2. Hallelujah,may the Firebrands of Elohim come forth in Yeshua’s name. We’re ready for Revival in Africa!

  3. Charmaine Olivier

    Yes Amen, thank you Jesus we are ready for what You are about to do.

  4. Trudie Coetzer

    Cindy, what about our white farmers being murdered. What about loads of looters who steal crops off farms and not being stopped by die police. What about land expropriating. And not only land but houses and property. You would not allow this in the USA. Although the native Americans were wiped out and their land taken by white American pioneers.

  5. Amen, and thank you Holy Spirit for visiting your church in our continent. Help us Lord to fulfill your task before your coming again

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