SACC calls for 40 days of prayer for SA, reconciliation

prayforsaThe South African Council of Churches has urged Christians in South Africa to participate in 40 days of prayer for SA from May 7 to June 15, reports the Association of Christian Media.

The SACC encourages people to make use of a 40 day prayer guide published by Jericho Walls Prayer Network, which centres around reconciliaion events planned for June including an event on June 11 at Orlando Stadium in Soweto billed “Sing a new song”.

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Afrikaans churches going to Soweto
According to a report by News 24, three Afrikaans churches will be going to the event in Soweto where student uprisings began 40 years ago in June 1976. They will be pursuing a goal of healing wounds of the past.

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The SACC has also released a document entitled “The South Africa We Pray For” which is the name of an initiative launched in 2015 around the theme of prayer and action in response to the state of the nation.

An extract from the 40 day prayer guide says: “The turmoil and unrest and protests in our country, the recent broadening of racial tension, especially highlighted in the social media, as well as economic challenges ─ like the #Feesmustfall’ movement ─ are all legitimate concerns of South Africans. In the midst of all of this, the potential is high to lose hope, to start accusing each other, defend ourselves, and to use acts of violence as solutions to problems.

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The Church, as the Body of Christ, is an important vehicle to bring healing to a country’s people suffering and divided by a torrid history. Despite this we believe emphatically that God has a specific purpose for and with the country and its diverse people.”

Oppposition parties boycott Zuma budget vote
Meanwhile in Parliament yesterday, opposition parties ( ACDP, COPE, DA, EFF, FF+, NFP, PAC and UDM) boycotted the Presidency Budget Vote as a demonstration of their shared belief that President Jacob Zuma has seriously undermined the government’s credibility and is not the leader that SA needs in this time.

“This collective decision was taken by opposition parties to send a strong message to the South African people that the opposition won’t allow President Zuma to abuse the constitution, ignore court rulings, and then come to Parliament and ask for more money for his office,” says the ACDP in a statement released yesterday.

The statement continues: “We oppose this budget and the process by which Zuma’s office will be handed more taxpayer’s money to continue to delay legal accountability.

“Before the ACDP will support President Zuma’s budget vote he must first prove that he takes the commitment to ethical and accountable governance seriously.

“The ACDP believes that if the President is truly serious about restoring the trust of the people and the credibility of this government and the nation, he himself would insist on stepping down for a time to ensure that the persistent claims of corruption are dealt with and the cloud of doubt and accusation removed.

“Our nation is crying out for good, strong and ethical leadership to deal with the many challenges we are facing.

“We believe that President Zuma has disqualified himself, and has been weighed in scales and found wanting.”



  1. Barbara Wayman

    Thank you Andre for sharing this in Gateway – will follow up !!

  2. Pingback: SACC calls for 40 days of prayer for SA, reconciliation | First Friday Letter

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