Save our children

Defending family, faith and freedom

Arlene and I spent nine exhausting but inspiring days in Durban recently, speaking, preaching and meeting Christian leaders in KZN. I preached 12 times within a hectic eight day schedule.

I returned from Durban on October 13 with a bad dose of the flu and was forced to take the rest of the week off. However, we were thoroughly blessed by the gracious hospitality of the Body in KZN.

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I was encouraged by the activity of the pro-life movement in KZN. The “National March for Life” was a great success with hundreds of pro-lifers braving the chilly weather to make their voices heard.

On Tuesday, October 22 at 8pm “Watchmen on the Wall” will feature the “National March for Life” on TBN Africa. We will also feature speakers from the “International Alliance for Life” Conference in Durban.

As a result of the inspiring leadership of Dr Albu van Eeden of Doctors for Life, the pro-life movement in Durban is gaining momentum and strength. However, much more needs to done in SA to maintain the focus on the terrible needless slaughter of abortion on demand.

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Arlene and I also visited Pastors Fraternals in the Phoenix and Chatsworth areas of Durban and met many wonderful men and women of God. I was encouraged by the growing sense of unity amongst the Pastors in Durban. The Christian Church appears to be growing like wildfire in KZN.

We spent our final weekend with Pastor Ronnie & Shirley Naidoo at Haven of Rest in Tongaat. I ministered to the youth, married couples and preached at the Sunday morning service.

Haven of Rest is a truly remarkable ministry. This one local Church established a home for seniors, an orphanage, rehabilitation centre, dialysis centre, children’s village and Christian School.

Haven of Rest stands as a living testament to the command of Christ to “take care of the widows and orphans” and to “make disciples of all nations.” We saw faith in action and left inspired.

The recent Constitutional Court ruling upholding an earlier ruling that the criminalisation of consensual sex between children of ages 12 and 15 is “unconstitutional” had anti-family activists cheering. The ruling sends a green light to children that sex amongst minors is acceptable.

There is a major onslaught by “sexual rights” activists to provide minors – some as young as 10 – the legal right to make their own sexual choices independent of their parents.

The UN inspired agenda to wrestle children away from the authority of their parents is gaining momentum in SA. Criminalising parents for disciplining their own children is one such initiative.

The sexual exploitation of children in the media has become commonplace. Nobody blinks an eye anymore when teenage girls are sexually exploited to promote major brands in the media.

However, the targeting of children by porn-merchants and a sex-saturated media is having devastating consequences on the youth. Teen pregnancies & abortions are skyrocketing.

The Church must expose these evils in society. The Christian Church must boldly target the youth of SA with the message of the Gospel. Let’s reclaim our future generations for the glory of God!

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