UPDATED: Say YES if this is what you want for South Africa — Arno van Niekerk

Dr Arno van Niekerk.

Economist, author and public speaker Dr Arno van Niekerk has launched an innovative campaign to give South African Christians an opportunity to speak with a united voice about what they want for the country.

In an initiative which he says was inspired by God “out of the blue”, he asked about 200 Christian leaders around SA to list 10 principles/focus points that would be their highest priority if a Christian government took office.

“The correlation was great. Most of the leaders identified the very same values,” he said.

Now he has launched a social media campaign in which SA Christians are asked to respond with a YES if they agree with the leaders’ 10 points of consensus which are listed below.

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Gateway News invites you to respond by commenting on this article with a YES if you agree with the 10 points. To comment, scroll down at the end of the story and type your response in the comments area. The closing date for responding is Sunday February 10. (UPDATE: The closing date was extended by Van Niekerk due to the strong response to his consensus campaign with over 25 000 YES votes in a week and responses still streaming in).

Please also help to give Christians a voice now, ahead of the elections, by sharing this article with as many other believers as possible.

“Your response is needed to unify the Christian voice in SA. We are the ONLY group with enough numbers to change SA this very year,” says Van Niekerk.

“Let’s get millions participating,” he says.

The response of SA Christians will be taken to political leaders, he says.

But, for now, the priority is “for the voice of the people to be heard”.

“Let’s get millions participating. This is only the beginning.”

Please read the list below, and comment YES if you agree. And please share the article.

Christian Consensus in SA:

1. Zero tolerance for crime
(no corruption, no rape and no discrimination; end all murders; severe & fair legal action)

2. Government fully accountable to the people
(proper service delivery; clean, transparent & inclusive governance; effective system)

3. Peace, not war
(healing the nation (love); true reconciliation & restitution; ethical nation-building; taking care of the vulnerable; protect cultural identities)

4. Leadership that honours God
(servant leaders unashamed of faith; skilled, integrity, humility & inspired vision; self-disciplined)

5. Laws that glorify God
(laws that don’t contradict the Bible; Constitution that pays due respect to Almighty God; judicial independence; strong police, army & immigration control)

6. Biblical family values
(husband, wife & children; staying faithful; sexual purity; centrality & unity of households in society)

7. Sanctity of life
(respect all forms of life; no abortion; quality medical care)

8. Inclusive & productive economy
(job creation; ending poverty & inequality; resource stewardship & agriculture a major priority to all; support entrepreneurship; eco-friendly and -efficiency; reduced debt levels)

9. High-quality education to all
(parent control, good discipline & learning environments; basic skills; uproot liberal agenda; empower & create opportunities for the youth; become tech wise)

10. Religious freedom & no communism
(religious rights & private ownership; church’s voice to be heard more; freedom of speech).


Brothers & sisters, there is a spiritual battle for the heart and soul of South Africa going on. Only God’s people know how to fight the good fight of faith and win. Evil will be uprooted if we UNITE! It’s time for light to expel darkness in SA! You’ll be updated about the developments that are going to unfold now that Christians’ Voices are started to be united – officially. We are millions; the voice of millions can no longer be silenced!

In only a week I have received 25858 YES’s of support for the Christian Consensus in SA. Since responses are still streaming in, the deadline is extended to 10 Feb. 2019. After that, we will finalise the data to take it to party leaders and present it to them with the request of forming something like a Christian Coalition/Alliance based on the 10 Points of Consensus. This will give more substance to our votes and give a real possibility of bringing a huge surprise upset (in a positive way) in the Elections and thereafter. The people are speaking and leaders must listen. UNITY is the only way forward if we want to see a fullscale turn-around in SA.

Click to join movement

?Apart from these points being an instrument to unite Christians, the good news is that if these very same 10 Points are successfully implemented, South Africa is changed!

⏱So the time has come for God’s people to speak up and stand together for true change!
Please pray intensively for breakthroughs to come and spread the 10 Points like wild fire!??
Every Christian in SA must have an opportunity to say YES!
(send YES to 082 608 5711).

ARISE, people of God!
All to His glory!
Dr Arno van Niekerk


  1. YES

  2. Yes

  3. Yes

  4. YES indeed!

  5. Karin van Straten


  6. I say YES

  7. Freddy Heydenrych


  8. Yes!!

  9. YES ACDP already!

  10. Yes pls

  11. Agree 100%

  12. YES

  13. YES

  14. Yes

  15. Yes

  16. Yvette De Jager


  17. ‘n groot JA!

  18. Yes

  19. YES

  20. YES

  21. Sheldon Kidwell


  22. Chris van der walt


  23. Photlodi Athlonia Tenten

    Yes and Chilli Greetings from Germany

  24. Petro Van der Walt


  25. Angela Warbreck


  26. Michael Morrison


  27. Yes

  28. I find it difficult to give a blanket answer YES or NO, so offer this nuanced consideration following the HW below ….
    Christian Consensus in SA:
    1. Zero tolerance for crime
    (no corruption, no rape and no discrimination; end all murders; severe & fair legal action) HW: This is too ideal to be practical. These sins will only be abolished in the new heavens and new earth. Rev 21:27; 22:14,15. What we must do now is to promise that we will aim for Justice in the trials of all accused of these crimes.
    2. Government fully accountable to the people
    (proper service delivery; clean, transparent & inclusive governance; effective system) HW These are excellent ideals. But HOW do we the people hold the Government fully accountable?
    3. Peace, not war
    (healing the nation (love); true reconciliation & restitution; ethical nation-building; taking care of the vulnerable; protect cultural identities) HW Yes, This is worth aiming for, but realistically HOW will we accomplish this? Not even all Church leaders are ethical.
    4. Leadership that *honours God
    (servant leaders *unashamed of faith; skilled, integrity, humility & inspired vision; self-disciplined) HW These are worthy goals, but * marks those that require prior conversion to Christian discipleship; Must we require this qualification of all politicians? That is not possible. The Old South Africa wrote ‘submission to God’ into its Constitution – but it didn’t work!
    5. Laws that glorify God
    (laws that don’t contradict the Bible; Constitution that pays due respect to Almighty God; judicial independence; strong police, army & immigration control) HW “don’t contradict the Bible” is difficult to apply. The Bible says boys must be circumcised on the 8th day, and we must not eat German blood-sausage, and we must worship at Jerusalem … The Old South Africa wrote ‘submission to God’ into its Constitution – but it didn’t work!

    6. Biblical family values
    (husband, wife & children; staying faithful; sexual purity; centrality & unity of households in society) HW I agree, these are worthy ideals. But HOW do we legislate them? What do we do to people who are not sexually pure – stone them? We live in an unregenerate society so how can we force compliance with ideal moral standards?
    7. Sanctity of life
    (respect all forms of life; no abortion; quality medical care)HW “respect all forms of life” is vague – can’t I kill a fly? Must I go Buddhist? And HOW can we ensure “quality medical care”? National Health Insurance? I would like to add No Euthanasia.
    8. Inclusive & productive economy
    (job creation; ending poverty & inequality; resource stewardship & agriculture a major priority to all; support entrepreneurship; eco-friendly and -efficiency; reduced debt levels) HW HOW will these miracles be achieved? Be practical and help us by describing HOW we will ‘end poverty and inequality’. This is current political rhetoric. What new solutions can Christians provide?
    9. High-quality education to all
    (parent control, good discipline & learning environments; basic skills; uproot liberal agenda; empower & create opportunities for the youth; become tech wise) HW HOW can these ideals be realised, given the population explosion and lack of personal discipline even among Christians?
    10. Religious freedom & no communism
    (religious rights & private ownership; church’s voice to be heard more; freedom of speech).HW This clauses mixes Religion and Economics. HOW does one balance private ownership with unselfishness? Communism today is so different to that of the Soviet era. The SACP has promoted the fight against Corruption – is that bad? The “Church’s Voice” is not unified, so which “voice” must be heard? Freedom of Speech – even evil speech, e.g. inciting violence, racism??

    • Amein! Each individual need make a serious effort to stand in complete obedience before The Almighty in respect towards their loved once and acquaintances. AND PARENTS…stop relying in education structures and churches to teach your child biblical principals…Put off the TV and put down your phone and spend time with your children around the Word. Keep Shabbat Holy as it is the only day our Creator blessed and announced it Holy. Its not okay to open and close a meeting with prayer but you don’t honor your wife or think its cool standing with a beer or smoke while proclaiming Him as your Lord and Saviour…your Abba Father.

      It all starts at home.

  29. If I could perhaps offer a suggestion. It would be impractical to scroll through e.g. 10,000 names on this Web page just to add one’s own name. Rather create a Website with a database on which people can add their names easily. Then just add the link to the Website on this page. There are Websites/utilities available for exactly this sort of thing.

  30. Yes