Second National Day of Fasting on January 18, 2015

natdayoffastingA young Johannesburg woman, Caddie Hart, who initiated a National Day of Fasting on January 12, 2014, is calling on Christians in South Africa to fast and  pray for the nation on the third Sunday of the New Year — January 18, 2015.

“I’m a 35 year old wife and mom — just a normal person that’s had it on my heart to start something like this since 2010,” says Caddie who believes that starting the year with prayer and fasting in repentance and humility is a key to turning the nation back to godliness.

In an article motivating the National Day of Fasting she says fasting with prayer is a mighty weapon which brings our spirits in line with God’s will and breaks strongholds.

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“South Africa has so many strongholds tightened around her, that repentance, fasting and prayer is the weapon to break this oppression,” she writes.

“Jesus is, and always has been, South Africa’s biggest hope. As humans we sometimes forget this very important Truth. God tells us in His Word that He has thoughts of  peace toward us, not the evil we are experiencing now; and that He wants to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Jesus Himself fasted; and when He fasted for forty days in the Wilderness He walked out of there and literally changed the world! We need to follow His example and change our nation.”

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You can keep up with Caddie and the National Day of Fasting via the following routes:
Twitter: @NationalFast_SA, Facebook: nationalfastingsa, Email:


  1. I will do this. A very good initiative and clearly initiated in obedience to God’s word

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