‘See you at KMMC’, says horseback Angus

Power of the Holy Spirit

Mighty Men founder Angus Buchan says he is expecting the Holy Spirit to do a sovereign work in the life of each man attending the Karoo Mighty Men Conference at Middelburg next month.

“If ever we have needed the power of God in our lives we need it now,” says a jaunty Buchan in a DVD message in which he is seen seated on his horse Snowy.

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Buchan, who is one of the speakers at the Karoo Mighty Men, surprised and delighted the KMMC committee by sending them the one minute clip in which he encourages the men of South Africa to attend the camp on the farm, Rusoord, from Friday April 26 to April 28.

“He would not have sent it to us unless God told him to do so,” said a committee member at a marketing workshop at Renosterberg on Saturday (March 2).

Show the clip at your church
The one minute promotional clip is ideal for showing in your church to encourage men to participate in this life-changing camp. The clip can be downloaded here (right-click link and save). You can also view the clip on youtube below:

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In an interview this week, Buchan says many men feel like they are a ship without a rudder drifting aimlessly through a life devoid of direction or reason.

However, he says those men that attend the third Karoo Mighty Men Conference will hear of how God will give men vision and purpose for their lives.

“John Calvin said: ‘we are born and we live for the express purpose of knowing and loving God’; and AW Tozer said: ‘God made us for Himself, that is the first and the last thing that can be said about human existence, and whatever more we have is but commentary’.

Vision and purpose
“I want to challenge men to come to the KMMC, because I believe that we are going to receive purpose from God by the power of His Holy Spirit, which will empower us to push through the negativity we are forced to endure due to adversity in the world, political interference, and a turbulent economy.

“Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”, and I have seen men without purpose lose their desire for life, but men who attend the KMMC are going to hear how to gain purpose from our Creator who knows what is best.

“If we have a purpose and vision we will make a positive difference in our family, business, farm, community, congregation and nation.

“Remember,” warns Oom Angus, “if you aim at nothing you are sure to hit it.”

He says he is extremely excited about what God is going to do at KMMC.

“Many men I speak to are at their wits end; they don’t know what to do anymore, and without the power of God, which is the power of the Holy Spirit, they are going to fail to find the direction that God has purposed for their life.

“I am going to speak about the power of God at KMMC, because if we don’t have the power of Lord God Almighty we will not finish this race He has set for us.

“However, if we want the power of the Holy Spirit to manifest throughout our lives, whether it is in our families, farms, businesses or nation, we need to be holy men, separated, sanctified and set apart.

“St Augustine, who was an African, said: ‘Love the Lord with all your heart and then live as you please’, because if you love the Lord you will be an upstanding man of God’,” says the founder of the Mighty Men Conferences, which have spread to the UK, US, Australia and Tasmania.  Ends.

Men are encouraged to register online for the Karoo Mighty Men on the website www.karoommc.co.za, where there is also more information about the event. There is no entry charge but men can make a donation towards the costs.


  1. Can’t wait to attend this years KMMC!!!! I am going with such a big expectation. We all hunger for God!!! Amos 4:12″prepair to meet your God” came to me today. I think that we will meet our Lord Jesus in a very special and personal way onw way on theKMMC

  2. I shall be there with my son and many others if God wills it

  3. GOD is groot HY gaan ons almal aanraak Ek kan nie wag vir die kamp nie Prys die HERE

  4. Joe-Ron Le Roux

    The Holly Spirit has a meeting with us. I pray that we will be open to receive the Holly Spirit. Be Blessed men of God.

  5. Dit seal .my eerste bywoning wees en hoop om n paar vriende saam te sleep .ek kanie wag om te sien wat God gaan doenie

  6. It was my first MMC…and certainly not the last! It was my life changing experience, wow, who ever thought I would do something like this?? Thank you God, and all who were present, the speakers, the musicians (YOU WERE FANTASTIC!)and the unbelievable friends I met there!! God Bless you all!

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