Shaking the atmosphere with Kingdom truths!

Music review by Pete Gooch

PLANET SHAKERS – Nothing Is Impossible

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Planetshakers are shaking the Planet and invading Africa. Closer to home — Cape town — they planted a church, like Hillsong,  a few months back.

Should you go buy their latest album, they will invade your home with some powerful music that will shake the atmosphere with some much needed Kingdom truths that will bring hope and faith to oppose to the godless influences that pound us daily.

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NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE is actually their 23rd, long-waited album !!! It
is one of their few studio albums. But as I mentioned last week, for the average listener, with today’s technology, it’s hard to hear the difference between studio and live. And with Planetshaker’s (PS) large band / vocalists it often sounds like you are in a crowd. And after the second listen to the album you are singing along to some of the catchy choruses and you find your foot tapping as the combo of Mark Peric (bass) and Mike Webber (one of my fav. drummers , soo passionate and love his facial expressions – if you saw him live at Jbay a few years back) make a potent rhythm section to the PS sound.

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Joth Hunt is the genius behind the album. Not only is he involved in producing and song writing but also in leading some of the songs with a vocal range thatreminds me of John Ellis’ from Tree63!

The Title track, ‘Nothing Is Impossible’, has Joth co-leading with the Grammy Award winning artist, Israel Houghton (leader of New Breed). This song really sets the theme for the album, living not by what we see, believing in the unseen with faith that our Supernatural Creator God has every “problem” in His hands.

The two songs in the middle of the CD (Track 6/7) stick out as my favourites. Moving words of ‘No One Like You’ speaks the light over various “situations” of darkness the sinful world brings. The powerful declaration of ‘You Are God’ keeps me thinking that Tim Hughes had an influence. These are songs any worship leader would want in his sunday set.

Ok, also the descriptive lyrics about the Glorious God we serve in ‘Hosanna’; it is also a powerful song which will have your eyes
lifted upward as you sing – “hosanna , we cry hosanna, you are high and lifted up !”

The style for most the CD is typical of the live PS:, phat drums, disco groovs that make you wana move, guitars solos and riffs , techno loops that keep you humming. But there is a bit of variety in some songs with a taste of a hip hop / rap feel and some new sounds in an all in all well put together album.

Like last weeks’ review, this release is also a CD/DVD combo, and for under R100 is a winner / give away. The bonus is that the DVD not only features 9 songs but there is a load of content from their annual ONE BILLION CONFERENCE, with power moments of the speakers including TD JAKES, JOHN BEVERE, REGGIE DABBS, RICH WILKERSON JR. And of course PS
founders RUSSEL & SAM EVANS are also featured on the DVD

Below is a short 30 second promo teaser :)


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