Solar eclipse, blood moon phenomenon receives overwhelming international response

Cycle of the blood moon lunar eclipse. (PHOTO: Cass Letson/ Wiki Commons)

Originally published in Breaking Israel News

For thousands of years, man has watched the sky for signs from God as to what the future will bring. Over the last two years, and very unique and special celestial phenomenon has been receiving global attention.

The current tetrad, or a series of four lunar “blood moons,” are occurring on or just before Jewish holidays over the course of 2014-2015. Many believe that, based on historical evidence, another significant chapter of world history, or at least of Jewish history, is about to occur.

The last few times the the occurrence of these lunar anomalies coincided with Passover and Sukkot holidays were in 1967, 1949 and 1493, all of which were just before or after major events in Jewish History.

The upcoming blood moon, which will occur on the first day of the Passover holiday, is being preceded by an exceedingly rare solar eclipse, one that happens only every 100,000 years.

Many believers are ascribing spiritual meaning to the lunar events. In a recent article published exclusively by Breaking Israel News, people from all over the world chimed on the special significance the upcoming celestial events mean to them.

“We pray that people around the world will realize that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is speaking,” one person commented.

“God speaks in the Holy Bible of signs and wonders in the heavens and history clearly shows that important events often correspond with the timing of signs witnessed in the skies. I believe this is a significant event that we are privileged to witness,” another reader commented. “As I consider the recent world events, I will not be surprised if some major events coincide with the timing of the blood moons and eclipse. It will certainly be interesting to see and I hope people will pay attention to the prophecies of the Bible and learn about the signs of the end time.

Several readers pointed out that elements of the current blood moon and tetrad cycle are occurring during the Sabbatical year in Israel, which holds even more special significance.

“This particular solar eclipse is strange, its never happened before, not according to the literature. Plus we are in a Shemitah (Sabbatical) year that has never coincided with the tetrad of blood moon’s before either, and also this particular solar eclipse marks the day that marks the middle of Shemitah year.”

While some commentators expressed a disbelief that anything of significance will occur around the time of the blood moon, the sheer popularity of the topic has made it very evident just how much of a big deal this is for many people.

Thus far, the blood moons of the current tetrad cycle occurred on April 15 and October 8 in 2014, and will occur again on April 4 and September 28 in 2015.

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One Comment

  1. Christians take note and be aware of God’s Word and the historical significance of what has occurred with Tetrad eclipses in the past.Something awesome is going to occur in 2015.