Sometimes all I’ve got is ‘wow’…

[notice]A devotional based on everyday experiences.[/notice]

“Love your Enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will be acting as children of the most high, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked.” (Luke 6:35)

This morning I was reading the Bible and came across this really well-worn verse. It’s the kind of verse I’ve heard so often that I skim over it when it’s quoted in books. I’ve forgotten how good it tasted the first time I discovered it.

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I just let it sink in. One phrase at a time.

Love your Enemies!

Do good to them.

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Lend to them without expecting to be repaid.

Then your reward from heaven will be very great,

And you will be acting as children of the most high.

Oh, how I wish that I lived this verse out every day. But so often I fail to do this.

I say I love my enemies but when was the last time I did something good for them that was inconvenient for me?

This verse hit me because often I am all about what I can get, then Jesus comes and whispers, “Love your enemy. Treat them better than your best friend…come on.”

And then Jesus reminds me that I must do this because of who I am: a child of the most high.

I am a reflection of Jesus to my enemies.

Just as I’m ready to put the Bible down and find an enemy to love I see the last phrase:
For God is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked.

10 little words that remind me how much like my enemies I am. How I am often unthankful and wicked before God and how this unending, kind, gracefilled God does good things for me without expecting anything in return.

Sometimes all I’ve got is ‘wow’…


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