Special July prayer alert — stand against plans to destroy SA sectors

Janet Brann-Hollis of SA Back to God (SABTG) says she was led to issue a special call to prayer for July after she was awoken by the presence of God showing her to pray against calculated plans aimed at devastating various sectors of the nation.

She urges Christians to join in fasting in prayer for the nation every Wednesday during July, covering the following headings: Chamber of Mines, the public protector and Reserve Bank, leaked Gupta emails, and licencing of religious practitioners. Detailed prayer guidelines on these topics are available on the SABTG website.

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“To the average person who is not linked to government, one would ask why so much fuss?  Beneath the surface there is a carefully planned Zimbabwe style agenda….. ,” she says.

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  1. Assie Van der Westhuizen

    Let us pray relentlessly! If God gave the order how dare we disobey?

  2. Hugh G Wetmore

    These are excellent and relevant prayer-topics. Whether or not “God gave the order” is irrelevant. I’ve heard too many subjective claims that “God says …” without any means of verifying them objectively. Some have been good, some have been bad. We pray because Jesus has told us to “pray always, and not give up” (Luke 18:1)and we include matters of Government because 1 Timothy 2:2 tells us to. The content of our prayers is governed by other scriptures declaring the will of God for a nation e.g. Jeremiah 9:23,24 etc. So, thank you Janet, for reminding us how to bring toopics of our daily news-bulletins before our Sovereign God in prayer.

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