Spiritual blessings abound at 5-day ‘Great Spiritual Revival’ campaign in Polokwane

AFM of Africa overseer Rev Rosewell Zulu (see inset) preaches at a recent “Great Spiritual Revival” event in Seshego, Polokwane

Spiritual blessings were poured down during the recent “Great Spiritual Revival”, a 5-day event hosted by the Apostolic Faith Mission of Africa (AFMA) Gospel youth group known as the Christian Youth Crusaders (CYC) in Seshego, Polokwane.

Each day from August 5 to 9 people brought loved ones to the event at Ngoaka Ramahlodi Sport Complex, to hear inspiring messages by AFMA international president and overseer Rev Rosewell Zulu. The key verse for the meeting was from Acts 13:36-39 — “For David after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption. But he, whom God raised again, saw no corruption…… And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.”

“There is power in the blood of Jesus Christ. God’s blessings are free of charge, only believe and it all shall be done for you,” said Rev Zulu while delivering one of his sermons characterised by a pure, heart-penetrating proclamation of the Gospel.

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“We are a church with an open door and a burning message preaching, the Word of God in a manner that will win souls for Christ and prepare them for Heaven. We preach the Christ crucified, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world and we believe in the finished work of the Cross of Jesus. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must The Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life,” he said.

Sharing what she experienced at a service, T Maboya of Zone 1, Seshego said: “I came to attend one of the services here as I felt burdened by my sickness of many years. I had challenges walking with my legs and had to use a stick as an aid. After attending the afternoon service and being prayed for on Saturday, I was healed.

“I walked back home without using the walking stick and my children were surprised and I shared the good news with them. I thank God for healing me through the blood of Jesús Christ and for sending His servant to us, the people of Polokwane.”

Polokwane-based AFMA pastor Zebedia Bopape said: “We thank God for this great revival in Polokwane and the spiritual blessings that people received as we saw people repenting from their sins and coming back to God. Some were born again, sanctified, baptised with the Holy Ghost among other spiritual blessings. It was a great spiritual revival indeed full of blessings including others receiving physical healing through their faith in God without any charge.”

Guests included local authority representatives, people from other churches, NGO representatives and local community stakeholders. The event hosted by the CYC in August in different parts of SA is free of charge. More information about the event and services in Polokwane are available from Bopape at 072 954 6139 or Preacher Letsoalo on 082 269 9302 wane, Pastor Bopape can be reached on 072 954 6139 /Preacher Letsoalo on 082 269 9302.

Earlier this year Rev R Zulu preached at similar CYC events in Botswana and in Zimbabwe, accompanied by the AFMA Gospel army that includes the Good News Choristers, the Red Berets Choir, a brass band, and ministers. The events were marked by repentance, salvations, healings and deliverance.

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