‘Standing for truth regardless of consequence is key to breaking shackles of modern ideological slavery’

Ryan Smit

Wilberforce Academy team members Ryan Smit and Embeth du Toit reflect on the recent inaugural Residential Week of the academy which aims to equip South Africans to apply a biblical worldview in their spheres of influence

William Wiberforce pursued the abolition of slavery in Britiain in the 1800s (IMAGE: adamsmith.org)

The name William Wilberforce is inextricably linked to the abolition of slavery in the 1800s in the British Empire. His devotion to Christ translated into a pursuit of the good of his fellow man, and society at large by reforming the public sphere to more closely resemble the Kingdom of Heaven. While his name carries a legacy of victory over the vile practice of the slave trade, his life tells a story of continued obedience despite disappointment and saintly perseverance in spite of hopeless prospects. 

His life tells a story of continued obedience despite disappointment and saintly perseverance in spite of hopeless prospects

Our 21st Century world is in bondage to a much more insidious slave trade of sorts — a trade that exploits the ignorance of people deceived and confused by lies, and well-sounding but hijacked words like “freedom” and “equality”. The shackles of “progressive” or “woke” ideology keep people tied to ideas that have been proven to fail time and time again. This ideological trade has people, even in churches, suppressing the truth, making a practice of unrighteousness and proclaiming that it is good. The prophet Isaiah warns us: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” — Isaiah 5:20.

Attendees at the recent, inaugural Wilberforce Academy Residential Week near Standford

In the week of January 22 to 27 a group of about 80 individuals from across the country (and a small number representing Namibia, Zimbabwe, and the United Kingdom) gathered at the Beloftebos conference facility near Stanford for the residential week of the first Wilberforce Academy, South Africa. The mission – answering the call to be equipped to stand firm in the spiritual battle (Ephesians 6: 10 – 20) raging at an intellectual, socio-cultural, political/public and community level in South Africa and abroad. 

The faculty (speaker group) consisted of leaders and practitioners in the fields of political science, economics, business, medicine, education, academia, law/legal advocacy, media/communications and ministry, through whom the Holy Spirit taught and ministered – in Truth and Love – with the Word of God as the first and final authority. The depth of God’s heart for redemption, reconciliation and restoration was reflected most tangibly when these experts spoke as parents, spouses, siblings and neighbours who see the hurt around them as people depart from God’s authority and blueprint for all of life (creation ordinances). 

Wilberforce Academy delegates at a training session (PHOTO: Embeth du Toit)

This was met by the zeal of delegates, both young and old, comprising students, businesspeople, media professionals, legal professionals, mothers, fathers, teachers, musicians pastors, ministry and NGO leaders who are determined to see this nation turn to God and return to His design/pattern for human flourishing.  

Engaging with the prevailing secular ideologies that have been creeping into our socio-cultural and political institutions (family, schools, university, church/ministry, commerce, state government, Parliament, courts, professions, economic and political systems, etc.) is both unavoidable and a necessity. The retreat-style of the residential Academy Week allowed for rest and play to grace the intensity of engaging with topics such as the culture wars, abortion, gender identity and other worldview conflicts. The Beloftebos grounds created opportunity for stories to be shared on wooden logs and giant swings amidst a forest of hydrangeas and oaks, as the golden sunflower fields were filled with laughter from the dam as men and women embraced the childlike joy of raft racing. 

Faculty member Advocate Keith Matthee SC adresses delegates (PHOTO: Embeth du Toit)

God birthed something during the Academy Week in the hearts of everyone who attended and served – a hope for our nation and a zeal to see His Kingdom come. Within the strength of a community united around the truth of the Gospel, bonded together through fellowship and the breaking of bread, everyone at the Academy Week was further equipped for every good work the Lord sets before us (2 Timothy 3:15-17). From the morning devotions that focused on King Josiah’s socio-political reforms (2 Chronicles 34 and 35), the testimonies of speakers and delegates who have stayed the course of faith despite persecution, the daily application group sessions that offered opportunity for practical reflection on the day’s sessions, to the intimacy of corporate worship — everything served to strengthen the Body of Christ and focus our hearts and minds on the hope that is before us.

The hope for this nation, and the world, is King Jesus who calls us to gird up our loins, stand firmly on the truth of the Gospel, count the cost and follow where He leads.

The hope for this nation, and the world, is King Jesus who calls us to gird up our loins, stand firmly on the truth of the Gospel, count the cost and follow where He leads. This is as simple as going home to love our families, to raise God-fearing children, to honour Him in our work and to walk obediently in the steps He places before us in our personal and work lives. 

A hope for the nation and a zeal to see God’s Kingdom come was birthed during the week. Delegates above are, from the left, Embeth, Villo, Sarah, Jason and Stefanie

It is easy to become overwhelmed and despondent amid the call to be salt and light in a world plagued by deception and the destruction of evil in every direction we turn. However, if there is one thing the legacy of Wilberforce teaches, it is that the persistent obedience of the Church, not just within the confines of their homes and congregations but also in public life, leads to liberty for the captives. This calls for humble men and women willing to take God at His Word and stand for truth, regardless of the consequence. 

The Wilberforce Academy South Africa is a community that seeks to equip believers in Christ, and to be equipped, to be faithful to the Lord’s call and fruitful for His Kingdom purposes in their various vocations and spheres of influence. You can find out more about the Wilberforce Academy South Africa online at www.wilberforceacademy.org.za and follow them on their social media pages.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you, you give me hope in a time when needed in SA.