Step-by-step – what it takes to hold a huge Mighty Men Conference

In this call for public participation, Robbie Hift, a member of the Mighty Men Eastern Cape organising team spells out some little steps that can go a long way towards preparing the ground for the March 2020 event.

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” — John 15:7

It takes time, and it takes prayer and it takes team and it takes effort and it takes a whole lot of people to make it happen.

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Over the years, there are countless success stories from the MMC events — amazing testimonies of men who came to know Jesus as their saviour, families who became reunited with the help of God, sons and fathers who forgave each other for their mistakes of the past and started walking a road together. People who became inspired by the living God to perform mighty feats.

But for that to become a reality and to gather 15 000 people in March 2020 on the farm Mooiuitsig outside Jeffreys Bay so the Lord can perform His miracles, it’s going to take months and months of preparation and response from us

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Christians of the wider community
So let’s start with little steps. Why don’t we focus on a few things at a time: Number one- nature calls! So imagine being able to provide smart site toilets for the next six years of the conference, for example. Here are some photos of what we have in mind.

Mobile toilets unit.

Eugene Genis, executive member said: “It is our desire to build and to expand the facilities for the benefit of all attendees and our hope is to be able to do away with the cover charge of R50 per person as soon as possible.

“There are enormous costs involved with preparing and hosting such a huge, godly event where lives are being transformed and people are being reconciled towards our Heavenly Father through their acceptance of Jesus Christ.

“We are therefore appealing to the community to become involved and to assist us in the next phase of expansion.”

Mobile toilets:
Due to their great success in 2019 we are looking to buy at least one mobile unit which includes seven toilets. This costs R50 000 and then we can hire two more. To buy three units would, therefore, cost R150 000. These would be re-used each year for the next six years.

Please pray for funds and people with open hearts so that they may contribute towards this project.

Interior of unit.

Additional showers/ urinals:
Our wish is to build 6-head shower/urinal combination structures, each with a water point. A common wall will separate the shower/urinal, reducing costs while providing a better (and permanent) structure for years to come.

We require:
a. Bricks, cement and shower pipes.
b. TLB (½ day) time with help for foundation digging at various points.

“If you are able and would like to partner with us or contribute (in any way), you can also contact us via our website or via our Facebook page.

It would also be a great help if attendees were able to purchase their tickets from our website (available now) as the funds will go a long way to helping us achieve our goals in anticipation of our next event starting on the 13th of March 2020,” said Genis.

Contact: Eugene: 082 378 3839 Andre: 084 556 6320

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