Stirring up a passion for prophecy

Godspeaks[notice]A monthly prophetic perspective from Marian and Kate Fitz-Gibbon[/notice]

Welcome to our new writing space where we are excited to be giving Prophetic Perspective for our beautiful nation of South Africa.

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The purpose of this column is to stir up a passion for incorporating the prophetic into your lifestyle as individuals and as a church.

The wonderful thing about the prophetic is it is an anytime, anywhere connection to God.

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Love and trust
A prophetic lifestyle is based on love and trust. Trust in that we can communicate excellently with God and that all of His children are designed to hear His voice.

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The prophetic culture that God has on His heart is one where we will learn to hear His voice through a multitude of ways. God is communicating all the time with us and it’s not only with words. The earth is the Lord’s and fullness of it (Psalm 24). What He has to say always builds us up, makes us feel loved and empowers us to establish the kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven. 

We would like to encourage you through this to begin experiencing God in new ways, and to learn from others who are doing the same.

Blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are your eyes because they do see, and your ears because they do hear. Matthew 13:16 

In the coming months as we hear God’s voice we will be giving prophetic insight into current events in this country, so that our readers can be aware of the spiritual climate and can partner with what God is doing.

National destiny
We will also publish prophetic words that speak life and God’s destiny over our nation. We welcome you to get in touch with us if you have a prophetic word that edifies and builds up our nation and our people in line with 1 Corinthians 14:3.

We are living in exciting times where God is progressively pouring out more and more His Spirit and reviving old dreams. Many promises are being fulfilled. Revival and transformation will spill out of churches and into the streets, and the young and old will be involved. It will be a time of everyone getting awakened, and revelation will be readily available for anyone who has a huge desire to understand God’s heart.

We are really going to be falling passionately in love with Jesus. Experiencing first the love of Jesus and loving Jesus, we will see signs and wonders follow easily. In a sense it is about returning to our innocence and vulnerability, being like children who just love to be loved, and find the greatest amount of pleasure in our Saviors embrace.

Bethel Music tour
In keeping with current events, the much anticipated Bethel Music tour commenced this week. We partnered with them in writing three columns on their Blog with what to pray for prophetically for our nation.

Have a look at the articles titled Ke Nako, Unity, and Joy at, and join with us to declare and usher in what God has promised South Africa.

Should you wish to submit a prophetic word or require information on the prophetic please contact us at and All prophetic words will be reviewed and may be published in whole or part, and credit will be given where due.


  1. This is such exciting news. Congratulations on this wonderful forum to share Gods words for our nation.

    • Hi Stephanie, we’re so glad to hear you are excited, we are too! Looking forward to hearing more from you on the column.. Love Kate & Marian

  2. I am very excited about your ministry regarding the prophetic.
    I am in a lovely church, but I miss the prophetic that I grew up in under your ministry years ago.

  3. I grew spiritually under your prophetic ministry Marian and I miss it now because I am in a lovely church but no prophetic so I am thrilled that I can once again have a small part of it.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing ‘good’ news about God and our nation.
    This is MUCH needed – keep going, please

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