Stirring up the prophetic among creatives — Sonia Strumpher

By Sonia Strumpfer, PE fine artist and host of an upcoming prophetic art conference

I have been stirred for some years to organise a gathering of the creatives. But now the time has come! We start on a small scale this year with an event in Port Elizabeth from May 3 to 5 at Harvest Christian School. But who knows what God can do next year.

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My own testimony is about a dream God gave me about myself running on a path towards the Light (Jesus) in the distance (see image below). Ever since, my art has been influenced by that image and my story goes accordingly. While running on this path I was encouraging others to join and run the race with endurance.

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This image needs to be explained while Duncan Stewart’s drawing of Zuma’s fall (below) speaks for itself. One is not above the other but we can see God clearly moving in both images.

Duncan routinely draws and paints ordinary, everyday-life happenings such as his children swimming or toys But then also, he made a drawing last year of Jacob Zuma falling from the steps. That was before he fell. He made a declaration with his art and it happened!

What is prophetic art and why do we need it

We serve a creative God in a dark world.

God created the earth by the Word He spoke.

We were created in His image.

So, we are all creative beings!.

‘The life and teaching (witness) of Jesus is the heart (spirit) of prophecy’ according to Revelation 19:10 .

God speaks to us many times in pictures because we can understand a picture and remember it better.

The goal of our upcoming prophetic art conference is to stir up the gifts inside of us i.e. artistic abilities and prophecy.

We want to use our art to proclaim a message. In whatever form that may be, (painting, sculpture, pottery, etc.).

We want our work to bear witness to Jesus and what He is saying or showing us, not just for ourselves but also for others.

Why do we need a conference?

There are many people that feel a stirring in this area to be creative.

The idea is to get Christian artists to network together, to encourage and to build each other up. We want to make an effort to connect the artists in this area and to showcase what other artists are doing and how God is using them. We want to encourage one another to dig deeper and to have a more intimate relationship with Jesus — to create while collaborating with the Holy Spirit and produce works of excellence.

It should be noted that the conference is not only meant for full-time professional artists. Anyone who feels a stirring to be more creative in whatever way is welcome.

What can be expected?

Testimonies from well-known, successful artists from around the country.

Time to activate our gifts, especially prophecy (by the way we are all encouraged by Paul to prophesy).

Artists will be built up and equipped with what God has put in their hands to do.

The reason Christ gave gifts (prophets) according to Ephesians 4:11 is “to equip the people for the works of service so hat the body of Christ may be build up…”

Attendees will also be able to choose from a few practical workshops, including one on how to publish a book.


  1. Wonderful, testimony. Awesome God. I pray that many hearts will touched and inspired

  2. May be a discussion of the place newspaper cartoonist art have in being prophetic to the world & possibly to the church ? Do we recognize them as artists ? ? !
    What about a Christian cartoon artist ?

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