Sunday is Global Day of Prayer

Millions of Christians in hundreds of countries will join together in interceding for the world on the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday (June 12).

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Many churches in participating areas will mark the day during their Sunday services by repenting and interceding for the biblical hope of Christ’s glory and the transformation of all nations, as they all pray the Prayer For The World.

After 10 years of focusing on mass prayer events, the Global Day of Prayer movement has entered a new season of encouraging a greater number of smaller prayer gatherings on Pentecost Sundays, calling to mind the start of the church described in Acts 2:1 (When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place). According to the Global Day or Prayer website: “The growing momentum of the last 10 years has now laid the foundation to saturate nations in prayer. It’s time to shift our focus from 220 nations to facilitate a lifestyle of prayer with as many people in as many places as possible.”

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The day was birthed in July 2000 when Cape Town businessman Graham Power had a vision for calling a united day of prayer in Southern Africa based on 2 Chronicles 7:14 (“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” ). Support for the day increased each year and in 2004 Christians from all 56 nations in Africa participated. Thereafter the world was invited to participate and by 2009 there were 220 participating nations.

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In a number of areas the day of prayer is being preceded by 10 days of increased prayer activity from Ascension Day and is being followed by 90 days of blessing in which people commit to showing Christian love in action.

The Global Day of Prayer “New Season” video can be viewed below:


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