Sunday is Internet Evangelism Day!

Sunday May 15 is Internet Evangelism Day (IE Day) — a worldwide focus day for promoting the potential of the Internet and digital media for sharing the Gospel.

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With more than 2 billion Internet users and 4 billion mobile phone users around the world — of which more than half are in Third World countries, including many unreached areas — the potential for digital evangelism is clearly evident. The aim of IE day is to encourage churches, ministries and individual Christians to harness the available technology to share the Good News.

On Sunday several major publishers are supporting the intitiative by partnering with IE Day to offer free e-book downloads of Christian titles which are normally for sale. These cover web evangelism, social networking and other areas of effective communication. Some of the books are only for free download on IE Day; some are available throughout May which is designated as Digital Outreach Month; and some will be permanently available.

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IE Day, which was first held in 2005,  is an initiative of the Internet Evangelism Coalition, based at the Billy Graham Center, Wheaton, Illinois. IE Day’s website includes pages on using mobile phones for evangelism, creating ‘outsider-friendly’ church websites and introductory videos, social networking, how to blog or build a website, and much more.

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If you, your church, or your ministry have plans for IE Day, we would like to hear from you: please comment below or send an email to



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