Supernatural lifestyle becoming the norm for Christians, says SA pastor

Dr Serge Solomons ministering during an impartation session at the Supernatural Lifestyle School (PHOTO: File picture).

Pastor Steve Haines is passionate about raising a generation of supernatural believers — men and women, young and old — who know how to be naturally supernatural.

Haines, who has been a pastor with His People / Every Nation Ministries for 12 years, established the Supernatural Lifestyle School in Pietermaritzburg in 2010 to provide Christians with an intensive two weeks of equipping in praying for the sick, prophecy and supernatural evangelism, while also giving space for people to encounter God through soaking and impartation. In 2014 the school moved to Cape Town.

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Pastor Steve Haines.

“The highlight for me,” says Haines, “is that believers actually put into practice what they have learnt, until they are confident in walking in the supernatural, by going on treasure hunts, hospital visits, healing on the streets, prophesying over each other and even a 5-day mission trip.”

He says he has a vision to pioneer and plant schools into other nations in Africa. Katrina Harageus, a past student, returned to Namibia, where she started a healing room in a hospital in Windhoek. Since she started, the nurses have been bringing patients to her because they have seen patients being touched and healed, even some from cancer, says Haines.

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Baasie….saved and delivered.

He says that in every school that has been run they have seen healings, deliverances and salvations through the hands of “normal” believers. At a school outreach at a church in Richard’s Bay the team ministered to a man named Baasie, who was an alcoholic who physically abused his girlfriend. He came to the meeting drunk, and came forward for prayer. By the end of the meeting he made a commitment to Christ and was delivered of strongholds in his life. When the team returned six months later, they found Baasie no longer drank, he was married to his former girlfriend and no longer abused her, and he was serving in the church.

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She was healed of partial deafness and an injury, and a metal plate disappeared from her arm.

A woman with whom the team prayed was partially deaf and after prayer was completely healed. She had also been injured in a car accident. A metal plate had been put into her wrist, and after prayer, she was able to move her hand and couldn’t feel where the metal had been. She had been constantly sick but in the six months since she was prayed for she has not experienced any sickness.

“This should be what normal Christianity looks like,” says Steve, “When we read about Jesus, when we read about the apostles, they lived lives that were so supernatural. This is the standard and the norm.. We have to push in and pursue more of Him. This is what Africa needs.”

Haines recounts a Smith Wigglesworth prophecy that is described in Lester Sumrall’s book Pioneers of Faith (pages 168 – 169).

Sumrall writes: “… Shutting his eyes again, he [Wigglesworth] said, ‘I see the greatest revival in the history of mankind coming to Planet earth, maybe as never before. And I see every form of disease healed. I see whole hospitals emptied with no one there. Even the doctors are running down the streets shouting.’

“He told me that there would be untold numbers of uncountable multitudes that would be saved. No man will say ‘so many, so many,’ because nobody will be able to count those who come to Jesus. No disease will be able to stand before God’s people… ‘It will be a worldwide situation, not local,’ he said, ‘a worldwide thrust of God’s power and God’s anointing upon mankind.’

“Then he opened his eyes and looked at me and said, ‘I will not see it, but you shall see it. The Lord says that I must go on to my reward, but that you will see the mighty works that He will do upon the earth in the last days.’

Haines says: “What is astonishing about this prophecy is that it was actually given during a visit to South Africa. This really excites me. I believe there is something that God is doing in South Africa and the nations of Africa, and one of those avenues which he is raising up believers is through the Supernatural Lifestyle School.”

The next two week school will run in Cape Town from Friday, June 19 to Wednesday, July 1. More information about the school is available on the website or from Haines at 072 623 0700.


  1. The Word of God tells us that He will pour His Spirit out in the last days.Unbelievers will be given the chance to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour due to personal encounters with God the Holy Spirit.

  2. Amen,Lord Jesus be the Lord off many more thousands ,millions…He does not want one lost but that all will repent ,He paid the prize with His presious blood..amen.

  3. The supernatural must become natural, as Sid Roth says, like the Church in Acts. The glory of the Lord must fill the whole earth!

  4. I have attended this school before. I can truly say that I have been equipped to demonstrate God’s love with demonstration of power when needed and also been able to teach others.

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