With so much misinformation circulating in the media about the ongoing Middle East conflict, where Israel is perennially portrayed as the great bully, there is another story! Amidst the storm of Temple Mount riots, along with mass anti-government protests and brutal terrorist murders, believers in Yeshua (Jesus) from all over […]
Tag: Charles Gardner
How beautiful on the mountains!– Charles Gardner
I want to share my excitement about an important bi-centenary of which I feel privileged to be a part. It was 200 years ago, in 1823, that the Church’s Ministry among Jewish people (CMJ), for whom I volunteer, decided to establish a permanent base in Israel, having been founded on […]
‘Guilty silence’ as Jerusalem worshipers slain on day of remembrance of Holocaust — Charles Gardner
By Charles Gardner — UK Correspondent Just as many were once more committing themselves to never let the Holocaust happen again, the senseless slaughter of seven worshippers at an East Jerusalem synagogue had us reeling once more with shock. It was only last week that I was writing about the […]
Time for rededication: are we in for another reign of terror to sort the sheep from the goats?
By Charles Gardner, UK Correspondent As we approach Hanukkah, it’s a timely reminder that the conditions leading to its inception are very much with us today. For godlessness and unbelief abounded as the Syrian-Greek tyrant Antiochus Epiphanes IV unleashed his fury on the Jewish people of the second century BC. […]
God hasn’t changed His mind: a blessing, not a curse! — Charles Gardner
Hidden in the Book of Numbers are some glorious promises of Messianic redemption. And the most astonishing thing about them is that they come from a pagan source. A soothsayer from Syria is summoned by the King of Moab to put a curse on the Israelites, who are about to […]
Reflections on Joseph as a type of Jesus — Charles Gardner
I have been much inspired of late by precious new insights into the extraordinary life of Joseph, the Jewish patriarch, which clearly point to the role played by Jesus some 2 000 years later. And I am indebted, in part, to an excellent Zoom talk to supporters of the Church’s […]
Servant of the Most High: Queen’s Christian faith takes centre stage in media coverage — Charles Gardner
By Charles Gardner — UK Correspondent As the UK’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has already testified, the Queen’s affection for the Jewish people ran deep. But it was her faith in Jesus, the Jew, that proved the light and strength of her long life and reign. The Queen’s mother-in-law, Princess […]
Beauty out of ashes during Nazi occupation of Netherlands — Charles Gardner
New research has thrown fresh light on a series of startling heroics during the dark days of the Holocaust. Thanks to the meticulous efforts of Australian author Kelvin Crombie, we now know much more about Jewish suffering particularly as it affected the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation. And we are […]
Life from the dead: Jewish man meets his Messiah near London beauty spot — Charles Gardner
As Jews in their millions were being murdered in concentration camps, seeds of new life were being sown elsewhere, including the London beauty spot of Hampstead Heath. This was where a Jewish believer in Jesus was soon to introduce a fellow Jew to his Messiah, paving the way for the […]
The British Mandate and how Jewish restoration was thanks to Pentecost!– Charles Gardner
A significant centenary will be marked with a reception in London next month which will no doubt stir passions for and against Israel. Forever the hot potato, the Jewish state will once more come under the microscope as supporters celebrate 100 years since Britain acquired its mandate for what was […]