Tag: Iranian Christians

Researchers find Christians in Iran approaching 1 million

Originally published in Christianity Today Missiologists have long spoken of the explosive growth of the church h in Iran. Now they have data to back up their claims— from secular research. According to a new survey of 50 000 Iranians —90% residing in Iran — by GAMAAN, a Netherlands-based research group, 1.5% identified as Christian. […]

Christians in Iran proclaim testimonies on satellite TV

Originally published in Urban Christian News An interactive satellite television programme called Signal is giving a voice to persecuted Christians in Iran. “For quite some time before we started producing and broadcasting the programme, we were always trying to find a unique approach for the Christians, especially those residing inside […]

Iran protests saw people ‘turn their backs on political Islam’

Originally published in World Watch Monitor Iranians are challenging the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic because corruption and inequality undermine its ideals, a human rights activist has claimed. Mansour Borji, Iranian-born advocacy director of UK-based human rights charity Article 18, said the street protests that spread across the country earlier […]

Protests in Iran: What does it mean?

Anti-government protests in Iran have entered their second week. The Iranian government is a major sponsor of global terrorism and is committed to the destruction of Israel. It is a nuclear threat and a persecutor of Christians. Yet, reportedly Christianity is growing faster in Iran than anywhere else in the […]