Beirut: Police arrest 11 after ISIS suicide bombing

 Originally posted in The Christian Post Lebanese security forces have arrested 11 people, most of them Syrians, in connection with the last week’s double suicide bomb attack in Beirut, which killed at least 43 people and wounded more than 239 others, targeting Shiite Muslims. Lebanon’s Interior Minister Nuhad Mashnuq announced […]

Britain: ISIS likely brought down Russian plane

Originally published in Charisma News Britain said on Thursday there was a significant possibility that Islamic State’s Egyptian affiliate was behind a suspected bomb attack on a Russian airliner that killed 224 people in the Sinai Peninsula.  Russia said such theories were speculation at this stage and only the official investigation can […]

Nigeria: Boko Haram suicide bombers kill 40 in blasts

Originally published in The New York Times Suicide bombers, some screaming “God is great,” killed at least 40 people in two northeastern Nigerian states Wednesday, including explosions in two mosques, officials and witnesses said. All the bombers died. Earlier, Boko Haram Islamic extremists had attacked a rural military camp in northeastern […]

Third group of Sudanese students join Islamic State

Originally published in All Africa.com For the third time this year, a group of Sudanese students have left the country to join the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. The four women students left Sudan via Khartoum National Airport, El Sudani newspaper reported on Sunday. Further details were unknown […]

Libya: 88 Christians abducted by ISIS

 Originally published in Open Doors SA Militants of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) abducted 88 Eritrean Christians in Libya on Wednesday, 3 June. According to reports by the Libya Herald, the Christians were seized by IS militants during an ambush on a people smuggling’ convoy near Oum Walid. This incident […]