“Take practical action on Women’s Day”

Africa Christian Action pornography awareness outreach in a Cape Town shopping mall. ACA challenges Christians in other areas to hold outreaches on Women's Day (August 9).

Why not use Women’s Day to take practical action towards protecting women from exploitation through pornography, prostitution and trafficking, says Africa Christian Action national co-ordinator Taryn Hodgson is a media statement released yesterday.

“On 9 August, National Women’s Day, Africa Christian Action will be setting up literature tables in three different shopping malls in the Cape Town area. Why don’t you consider doing a similar outreach in your area?

“You could also encourage your congregation’s Bible Study/Home Groups and pastor to focus their discussions and sermons nearest to Women’s Day on informing and inspiring people to take action to protect women from abuse and exploitation. We have some helpful resources, books and DVDs which could empower your cell group to make a positive difference.

“Last year, we managed to distribute many thousands of relevant, informative and Gospel leaflets to shoppers, and many positive conversations resulted. The overwhelming majority of passersby were positive and many were enthusiastically supportive. We also gave balloons with pro-family messages and Scripture verses to thousands of children. Even Muslim women dressed in burkas went out of their way to ask for the Scripture balloons for their children, and for The Christian Liberation of Women leaflet.

” ‘Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city she speaks her words.’ Proverbs 1:20-21,” writes Hodgson.

The media release outlines the following practical guidelines for arranging a public outreach:

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Follow the 10 Ps and you will be on your way to successfully making a positive difference to the lives of precious women and children.

  1. Prayer — Before, during and after. Prayer is the foundation for action.
  2. Planning — Recruit helpers to plan and participate. Decide on date, time, place and advertising strategy.
  3. Permission –Contact the management of the shopping mall in your area and ask if you can set up a table in a public area of the mall, to promote awareness to combat the abuse and exploitation of women. They often call this a “Charity Display Agreement”. Urge them for a prompt response for your advertising and recruitment purposes. They will probably give you some forms to fill in. Contact us for a sample letter. Always take the letter of permission with you to the outreach/display.
  4. Personal Invitation — Approach your pastor with a humble and teachable attitude. Share the vision, Scriptures and give him materials on the issues.Urge him to announce and pray for your outreach.
  5. Participation — Advertise on radio community notices, your own publications, church bulletins, church announcements and through personal invitations. Actively recruit with tracts and other teaching materials. Appoint helpers to wear specific badges, shirts or uniform colours.
  6. Press –Press releases before and after the event. Invite local community papers and write a mini article to tell them how it went, something they can use for the publication. Send a clear, story-telling photo.
  7. Placards and information boards — Big lettering, able to be read from a distance, black or red on white, or black on yellow work best. Laminating posters and photographs makes them more durable. Keep it simple, clear and straightforward. Remember the purpose is to inform and challenge.
  8. Proclaim — It is important to use the occasion for literature distribution to inform, inspire and involve. Contact Africa Christian Action for quantities of leaflets e.g. “The Christian Liberation of Women”, “Abortion – the Facts”, “Women are Precious and Should be Protected” and “Finding Freedom from Pornography”. We also have several different great Gospel tracts e.g. “Christ is Risen Indeed! Evidences for the Resurrection” and “The Greatest Book in the World”. We request a small donation for the postage costs. These tracts can be also be downloaded from here. Distribute these from your table and use them as a springboard for discussions about these issues. We also have a wide selection of bumper stickers.
  9. Prepare -Have a clipboard handy to take down the contact details of people who are interested in joining the Africa Christian Action e-mail or SMS list (or your organisation) and who are interested in taking part in outreaches and demonstrations in the future. Contact us for a spread sheet. Have your representatives as informed as possible (“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15.)
  10. Praise –Remember to praise the Lord regardless of the human outcome of the outreach. If you have been faithful, He will see to the results. (“God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure.” Hebrews 6:10-1)

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