Talented teens shine at All Africa Student Convention in Bloemfontein

African Children's Choir at the All Africa Student Convention.
African Children’s Choir at the All Africa Student Convention.

1 400 Christian high school students from various African countries and from Denmark competed in the annual All Africa Student Convention in Bloemfontein last week in events ranging from athletics to preaching.

More than 200 competitors who achieved more that 80% in their events were nominated to represent their country or Africa at the International Convention at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA from May 24 to 29, 2014. However, due to the costs involved not all nominees are expected to travel to America.

According to Kate Simpson from Accelerated Christian Education (ACE), which hosts the event, the aim of the convention is to provide a platform for teenagers from Christian schools to exercise their God-given gifts and talents, to  instil in them  a desire for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, and to help teenagers to recognise  God’s call on their lives with a specific view to missions in Christian Schools. 

The convention at the University of the Free State campus from September 23 to 26 was attended by students from 156 Christian schools – predominantly ACE schools. They competed in various categories, including academics, sports, crafts and music. Interesting events included Bible memory, preaching, Israeli dancing, archery, photography, website design, embroidery and poetry. 

Simpson said the first Senior Student Convention took place in 1986 in Bethlehem in the Free State.  Since then it has become an annual event to look forward to for hundreds of high school students. Their Facebook page bears witness to the many positive experiences at this convention – lasting new friendships, spiritual awakenings and an opportunity to showcase God-given talents.

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One Comment

  1. ACE schools are the best, try going to Alexandria Christian Academy you will see Gods impact in your life you will get your own range of work